The future of direct mail

Email and SMS marketing is becoming more and more common.

Social media is rapidly gaining popularity as a marketing tool.

Printing and shipping costs continue to rise.

You’re probably wondering why bother with direct mail. It is outdated and ineffective.

The USPS even has statistics to back up that opinion. In their annual Daily Household Study, they reported that American households received 85 billion pieces of direct mail advertising in 2009, down 15% from 2007 and 2008.

So is there a future for direct mail? It seems there is!

According to the 2010 DMA Statistical Data Book, 79% of households read or view junk advertising delivered directly to their home. Within that 79%, only 38% are skimmers, with readers spanning a whopping 62%!

That same publication also predicted that direct mail marketing spending is expected to increase by more than $1 billion in 2010.

Why, if it is so old-fashioned?

It seems that even with the widespread use of email, text and social media, the average consumer has a soft spot for direct mail. Nearly 75% percent of consumers say they prefer to receive promotions or offers by mail, compared to 18 percent who prefer email for this type of communication.

So why do consumers prefer the mail?

  • It’s familiar – it’s been around for a while (the first modern mail order catalog was produced in 1872)
  • It’s less frenetic, with no flash animation or immediate response demands.
  • It is convenient: mail can be taken anywhere and read at leisure.
  • It is extremely versatile! – it is much easier to be creative and differentiate yourself through email than with a formatted HTML or text message

Emails and text messages are great marketing tools; however, many marketers don’t target their audience enough, and consumers find that their inboxes are too cluttered. They spend most of their time deleting emails instead of reading emails promoting genuine business offers.

According to a study commissioned by Pitney Bowes, 31% of consumers are less likely to discard unopened mail than they are to delete unsolicited email (53.2%).

If you’re not entirely sold on direct mail as an effective marketing medium, consider this: In 2009, the average consumer received 24.7 pieces of mail per week. That is the fourth year in a row that it shows a drop in volume. At a minimum, this means there is less of a crowd to stand out.

By using a less crowded medium, you will find an improvement in your response rates. Response rates will improve even more if you can identify your target market and personalize your message. You can even try combining it with a telemarketing campaign, opt-in email and/or SMS/text messages. Give the recipient something that is visually appealing and tangible. Something to hold in their hands that gives them a definite call to action. Visit our website… Call us now… Send the next word to this number…

Many feel that direct mail is a thing of the past. However, if targeted correctly and creative, it is still a useful and relevant medium for reaching your customers.

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