The Lazy Man’s Guide to a Killer Body: Using Sedentary Exercises to Lose Weight

Are you feeling lazy and prefer to watch TV instead of going to the gym? Don’t worry, you can still watch your favorite show and have solid, toned muscles if you use a little creativity and choose to spend your time wisely. You can turn TV time into exercise time by doing a few simple movements.

Let’s look at three easy moves that you can do right away.

Movement n. # 1: squats

Yes, this is a killer move that will give you the killer body you want. Just think about walking around in your bathing suit with those toned and firm buttocks and hips. This is a very easy way to achieve that look. Stand up straight and place your arms around your waist. Then start bending your knees and lower yourself until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Then lift your glutes and do it again. You will be able to see the results almost instantly as you feel those muscles tighten. Do this 30 times.

Movement n. 2: push up

This can do wonders for your shoulders, back, stomach, legs, hips, thighs, and arms. Stand parallel to the floor with your face down and your arms and legs stretched out for support. Bend your arms and make yourself comfortable. Begin pushing upward by lowering your arms and then raising your arms again. Do this 20 or 30 times for maximum effect. When you get stronger, you can do 100 push-ups a day!

Movement # 3: Crunches

This is a fun and easy move. Instead of doing sit-ups, sit-ups can be performed by standing in a position with your back flat on the floor. Raise your legs in the air and bend them and move them towards your chest. Fold it and place your hands behind your back. Then start lifting your head and glutes at the same time. You should curl inward with your head bringing your knees together. Repeat this movement again. Do this 20 to 30 times.

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