The two-way job interview

Much of the fear that arises from job interviews is rooted in the feeling of being on trial or being judged by the people or panel conducting the interview; however, it should always be remembered that a job interview is a two-way process.

A job interview shouldn’t just be a one-way tirade of questions you’re asked. In order to convince a potential employer of your worth, it should include questions and answers both ways. How do you know it’s a company you want to work for?

A job is a long-term commitment of a large portion of your waking time, deciding how this time should be spent cannot be left to a panel of interviewers, but must be taken into your own hands. Take the time in the interview to establish the best points of your prospective employer so you know the fit is right for you.

There are a few key points you may want to consider in addition to the pay scale.

How is the social life of the company?

Some companies organize additional events, socials, barbecues and sporting events for their employees. Sometimes this is based on membership in a social club, sometimes it is mandated by head office.

Other companies have a labor tradition of leaving work at work, clocking out at 5:30, and not even thinking about work or your co-workers until you clock back in the next morning. These are completely contradictory work cultures and it is important to determine which one you would prefer.

What about overtime?

This is another factor that varies greatly between companies and between potential employees. You may want to work your 40 hour week and that’s it or you may be willing to work as many hours as you get paid to work. Find out what is expected of you and what you would like to be offered.

Is there room for progress?

Would you be happy working at this job for the rest of your career? If not, it is worth inquiring about the opportunities for internal progression that the company can offer you. If there is a clear path to your career goal, this is a plus, but don’t forget to ask about some alternative routes, such as internal or external training and qualifications. The company may be willing to support you or even pay for additional qualifications if it allows them to have a more productive employee and it certainly won’t hurt your chances for future promotion, either within the company or with another employer.

None of these factors should be a deciding factor, just as neither factor should decide which candidate to hire. Try to address these issues throughout the interview rather than saving them for the inevitable section at the end. Having these interspersed throughout will make the experience more of a conversation and dialogue.

This has several advantages. It will make you feel more comfortable having a conversation instead of just answering a series of questions. Being more comfortable and relaxed results in being more confident and always makes a positive impression on the interviewer.

It also comes across as more proactive, rather than just reacting to questions, the interviewer can see that you are actively involved in the process and seeking information.

Perhaps most importantly, it can help you decide if it really is a place where you want to work.

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