Ultimate WAR Online Ironbreaker Guide – Hints and Tips on Warhammer Online Ironbreaker Guides

Ironbreakers are primary dwarf tanks, heavily armed warriors with their only existence on the playing field.

The Black Orcs are your rivals in terms of toughness and robustness. Some say that Chosen is also one of his great rivals, especially in the invasion of Chaos. Before they were brought out, they were paired with the Dark Elf Black Guard.

With the help of your main tank, your task on the playing field is to stay firmly on the ground and inflict destruction along with your heavy weapons and armor. Avid gamers have created WAR or Warhammer Online Ironbreaker guides to help newbies and other players play and fight them.

His advantage is in the weapons of the dwarves, while his main task is surrounded by tactical control and defense. They are considered welcome announcements for any group of warriors. Protections from teammates and allies by receiving abilities and using them in a direct approach. The guard ability reduces damage to the opponent by stepping forward to obstruct planned hits for an ally. Unfortunately, they lack any sort of purposefully damaged ranged ability, except for the Ax Toss. To their advantage, they must work at close range to show enemies that they are a threat to them.

Special ability

The ability to grudge makes them the best of most of their abilities. When Ironbreakers are hit, they instantly gain five Grudge Points. On the other hand, if your sworn friend was declined, you now gain 10 Grudge points. His other abilities also breed grudges. They can possess a range of zero to one hundred grudges. Some of his abilities are more dominant with more grudges (generally at 25, 50, and 75 and 100 grudges) and other abilities spend grudges as an alternative action point. A lot of information is described in WAR or in the Warhammer online ironbreaker guide.


1. Outside of you

2. Avenge the debt

3. Ancestor’s Fury

4. Bulwark

5. Divert the oil

6. Landslide

7. Challenge

8. Rancor Unleashed

9. Stone grip

10. Hit reluctantly

11. Guard


1. Avalanche

2. Targeted offense

3. Long reach

4. Threat

5. Oath of vengeance

6. Growing anger

7. Powder engravings

8. Relentless training

9. Robust

10. Shield Mastery

Moral of the Ironbreakers:

1. Fight

2. Ax strike

3. Distracting bellow

4. Rock Clutch

5. Iron skin

6. Wall shield

7. Strength in numbers

8. Renewal of the land

Classified according to skills

It includes skills that increase according to the basic training involved. It increases as soon as rank and money are acquired, so skill is gained.

Ironbreaker Masteries

Path of revenge

A path that focuses on the attack charge that uses two-handed weapons.

Stone Road

On the other hand, this type of road is cleared for the purpose of protection and defense of allies and companions.

Brotherhood Path. As in the previous path, it focuses on reinforcing, improving and supporting the abilities of the Ironbreakers and their companions and allies. Having a WAR or Warhammer Online Ironbreaker guide will help you dramatically improve your game.

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