Vital and Crucial Questions Facing the Church of Jesus Christ – The Letter to the Galatians is a great help!

The Church of Jesus Christ was facing serious problems. There may have been division at a very early stage over issues that were critical, crucial and theological.

The very truth of the Gospel was being challenged. That is happening today, and this is one of the reasons why I have turned to the letter to the Galatians in the New Testament. The answers to what happened then are very relevant to the situation facing the Church of Jesus Christ today!

Most ignore that we are living in a bad age, from which we need to be rescued and saved.

This is very different from hearing people say, “I’ve always thought that… I’ve been led to believe that… I was brought up to accept such and such.” Can all these various thoughts and beliefs be verified and supported by the Word of God?

I remember receiving an answer to a matter that I had never faced for a long time, but that I prayed for one day in Culbin Woods. This had been told to me before looking for an answer. I’ve been waiting for someone to say, “Oh, if I were baptized in water, I’d be letting down what my parents did for me.” If I were told that now, my response would be, “Did your mother give you baby food? What kind of Heinz baby food are you going to have for tea tonight?”

We need to know that this present evil century will pass, but if we do not escape from it, if we are not rescued and saved from its claws and claws, such people will die with it, when it goes. .

In these first few verses, Paul is already focusing people’s attention on Jesus Christ and the Cross, how to be rescued and saved, and he is giving all the glory to God.

Now, at the beginning of most of his letters, Paul has something to say to commend people, but he doesn’t here. He is amazed! That’s very polite.

What he is saying is: I am devastated by what I hear, I am shocked, to know that you are so quickly abandoning the One who called you, and turning to a different gospel, which is not really a gospel at all! The word Paul uses for desert is a military term for desertion – AWOL – absent without leave. Being tolerant and discreet are not necessarily Christian virtues! If a house is on fire, yell!

Verse 7: He saw people who had come to Christ turn away from Jesus Christ, and that’s sad. Paul knew what had happened: some people “are confusing you and trying to pervert the Gospel of Christ.”

Jesus told a parable: as soon as a good seed is sown, you can be sure that someone will go around sowing tares, tares, confusing people, misleading people, leading them away from Jesus. That is always the objective of the enemy.

We have to be very careful about who leads us, and just as careful about how we lead others.

One thing Paul makes very clear is this: there is no other gospel than that of Jesus Christ, crucified, shedding His Blood to wash us from our sins, rising from the dead, and calling men and women to repent, believe, and be baptized. and receive the Holy Spirit.

He goes on to say: if we, or even an angel, were to preach any other gospel, let him be eternally damned, cursed, anathema. It will provoke the wrath and anger of God.

That is the loudest thing someone can say, pronounce a curse on someone, and yet today many people are under the influence of curses, all kinds of curses, but there is a way out from under the curse.

That, too, is part of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: there is a way out of any situation we’ve been in or any experience we’ve been through. There is a way out through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Savior, our Redeemer, who buys us back, our savior.

There is a way out, to freedom, where we are set free, and the chains are broken. That is the only Gospel there is, and it is wonderful and glorious.

“Father, give me a new vision and a desire, a clear understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May the fruit of the Holy Spirit grow and ripen so that more of Jesus can be seen in me.” Amen.

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