Web 2.0 Internet Marketing Secrets On How To Make Money For Free

There are several web 2.0 things to choose from and I am going to give you all the internet marketing secrets for free. There are articles, press releases, videos, blogs and squidoo. These are the important advertising areas for internet marketing in business.

Before I hand out any secrets, let me tell you a little about myself. I was a real estate agent for five years until the market crashed. I needed to make money fast. Of course, because I was desperate, I was tricked with many online promises to help me earn money. I spend about $25,000 on SEO companies, how to make your own website companies, and how to get links to companies from your site, etc. I finally found a company where everything is automated and they taught me how to market online for free. (Marketing web 2.0). This is great because I was actually making money before, but most of my earnings were consumed by advertising. Now with commissions from $200 to $10,000 I can keep it all!

Well, by learning the secrets of web 2.0 internet marketing strategy, I decided to help others, which I believe is my purpose in life, not just to help my family out of the rat race, but also to others. Internet marketing advertising strategies are easy as long as someone is willing to show you the way.

Here it is: Advertising Strategies in the Internet Marketing Business!
Top Articles: EzineArticles.com, Amazines.com, Go Articles.com, BetterNetworker.com, ArticleDashboard.com An article is nothing more than your opinion. Some do it for fun, like their hobbies, others write about what they sell on their website to get people to come to their website. If you don’t know what to write, go to ezingarticles.com and write your subject and see what others have written for ideas.

Best blogs: WordPress.com and Blogger.com. Blogs are a lot like articles except once you start a blog they stick together it’s really one website that’s all yours so make sure you stick to the same theme so it hits the top top of Google faster. .

Videos: Youtube.com ranks below google.com and yahoo.com when it comes to the most popular websites. Make a short video and upload it to youtube.com.

Social sites aren’t just for teens, put your personal information, business information, articles, and videos on social sites like squidoo.com, facebook.com, and myspace.com.

Press releases are another way to publicize your website. Some of the most popular are Prweb.com, 24-7pressrelease.com, webwire.com, I-newswire.com. Prweb is $80 and webwire is $19.

I am not affiliated with any of these, just trying to help someone.

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