What is AdWords? How to place PPC ads on Google

Pay-per-click advertising, also known as PPC, is a way of serving ads on search engines like Google or Yahoo. When you want to advertise your product or service, you have the option of going to sites like Google AdWords or Yahoo Overture and placing ‘sponsored listings’ that appear on Google or Yyahoo! when someone types a search term. You also choose a price you’re willing to pay each time someone clicks on your ad and sends them to your website.

The idea behind PPC

When a potential customer enters a search term, also known as ‘keywords’, into Google or Yahoo that matches the keywords you chose to trigger your ad, your ad appears in the ‘sponsored’ list on the right hand side of the screen. If the person chooses to click on your ad, they are redirected to your website and you pay a predetermined price for that click. The more people click on your ad, the more traffic will come to your website with the intention of buying what you have to sell.

How is your ad found?

In order for your ad to appear on Google or Yahoo, you need to choose the right ‘keywords’, the words people use to search for what you have to offer. For example, if you were selling mufflers, you would choose keywords like “buy cheap muffler,” “buy honda muffler,” or “best price ford muffler,” depending on the type of muffler you’re selling. It would link those keywords to your ad, which in turn would cause your ad to appear when someone searches for those specific keywords.

How to find ‘key words’

You can find the type of “keywords” that people are typing by using “keyword tools” like the one provided by Google AdWords. All you have to do is type a search term that you think people will use to find your product and the “keyword tool” will provide you with a list of similar search terms that people are using and how many people are using them. those terms. By choosing the “keywords” that people use the most and linking to your ad, you can get a general idea of ​​how many people will see your ad. If you’ve written an eye-catching ad, a good number of those people should click on your ad and go to your website. Choosing the right keywords is essential for a successful PPC campaign.

How your ad ranks

There are many different aspects involved in ranking your ad. First, and most obvious, is how much you’re willing to pay each time a potential customer clicks on your ad. The higher the bid, the higher your ad will be placed on the page. It is also very important that your ad and keywords are relevant to your landing page. For example, if your ad says it sells cameras but your landing page sells cat food, your ad will rank lower because the landing page doesn’t relate to your ad. Low relevance will also make your cost per click higher if you want to rank well. There are other factors that determine your ranking, but these are two of the most important.

PPC Advertising Warning

While pay-per-click advertising can drive massive amounts of traffic to your site, you need to make sure that traffic adds up to sales. A common problem ppc newbies have is getting tons of traffic to their site that doesn’t convert into sales and having to pay big bucks for all the traffic that clicked on their ad. There are options in the PPC campaign settings that allow you to set a default amount that you are willing to pay per day. Once that number is reached, your ad will stop showing, thus avoiding further costs to you, but also stopping the flow of traffic to your site. Therefore, it is very important to use specific keywords that show that the customer is already looking to buy in order for your ad to convert their clicks into sales. Examples of this would be “buy a muffler”, “where to buy a good muffler”, etc. The AdWords Keyword Tool will help you find the most relevant keywords to drive targeted traffic to your site.

Since most people use search engines like Google and Yahoo to find products and services on the Internet, PPC is a very effective way to drive traffic to your site. To get the best results, make sure you write a good ad for your product, use the most specific relevant keywords for what you’re selling, and make sure the dollar amount you’re bidding on a click is high enough to get you on the top page. Homepage. If your ad isn’t getting the amount of traffic you want, work on changing your ad, get more keywords that have high traffic related to them, and see what a PPC ad professional has to say about your campaign. The campaign you run will change as you progress and certain aspects will need to be changed as you go along, but if you check campaign results regularly you should be able to continue to run a successful PPC campaign.

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