What is phonetics learning?

Phonics learning is a method of teaching English speakers to read and write in English. The principles of learning phonics are teaching English speakers to connect the sounds of English with letters or groups of letters to pronounce unlearned words. Basically, in a nutshell, phonics is the method of teaching to read and decode words by training beginners to associate letters with their sound values. Children learn to read using phonics usually around the age of five or six by connecting letter patterns to sounds. During this process, it is necessary to learn the rules and patterns of phonetics.

What are the basic phonic rules?

The basic phonic rules are the following:

  • cognitive reading skills
  • alphabetic principle
  • Vowel Phonetics Patterns
  • Consonant phonetic patterns

And these rules for the average person can be difficult to understand. Basically, children learn to pronounce words by learning the rules for speaking the English language instead of relying solely on picture-word association, as in the Dick and Jane “look-say” books that were popular in the 1950s. .

When did the word ‘phonetics’ become very popular?

The word ‘Phonics’ became a household word in the 1990’s after the language program ‘Hooked On Phonics’ was introduced and sold in the US and this program is still very popular and has proven to be very Effective for teaching young children to read spell by parents and educators alike.

Phonemic Instruction Discussion

The use of phonics in the classroom has not been easy, since the teaching of phonics has caused much debate for many, many years in the field of educators, although the teaching of reading through the use of the phonics method has existed since long ago. However, after much study and review by professionals, Phonics received the seal of approval from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health. The 1997 congressionally appointed panel reported that phonics as word identification is one of the critical reading skills for good readers. In addition to helping children to read, teaching phonics also benefits all ages in learning to spell.

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