What is RSS? The difference between RSS and a blog

These are frequently asked questions: what is RSS and what is the difference between RSS and a blog. The answer is not as easy as you might think, but there is a fundamental difference.

RSS means several different things, depending on what you read, but the popular version is “Really Simple Syndication.” It’s actually short for “Rich Site Summary” and is an XML format used for sharing content, such as news articles, between different websites. It allows you to provide new and constantly changing content on your website that is updated even while you sleep.

The word ‘syndication’ in reference to websites refers to publishing an item on many other sites at the same time, which is probably where the popular version of the term came from. Using RSS, a website can allow other websites to post permitted content by posting a link to an RSS feed so that other users can read the content they distribute using an RSS reader. So what is the difference between RSS and a blog?

In fact, RSS feeds originally came from blogs and still accompany them in many cases. However, they are simply extensions of blogs, but they are a completely different medium. If you consider a blog, it is a single web page that is a record of a website, in the same way that the captain of a ship keeps a record of what is happening on the ship and its course on a daily basis.

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