Would you buy engagement and wedding rings with GPS-enabled tracking features?


Most of the people who drive cars that were manufactured in the last year or two know what GPS is and what it is for, or have used GPS to find their way to their destinations.

Some uses of GPS

Devices that use the position tracking capabilities of GPS are becoming common. There are GPS devices that parents can use to monitor their children’s movements to keep them safe. Older people with Alzheimer’s disease can be found if they leave the house.

Stolen cars can be tracked using GPS devices. Transportation companies use GPS devices to track the movements of their fleet to ensure efficiency in terms of fuel consumption and time on the road before reaching the desired destinations. Knowing exactly where your vehicles are at any given time can also help trucking companies be more flexible when needed and redirect their drivers to use different routes to avoid delays due to accidents or natural disasters like flash floods and fires.

Some abuses of GPS

While there are many advantages to using GPS, there are also some privacy concerns and issues when such devices are used to track the movements of other people without your permission. For example, ex-wives or ex-husbands could use these devices to stalk their ex-husbands. A divorced person who was denied custody of their children can use GPS to locate and abduct their children.

What do you think of engagement and wedding rings with GPS?

Here’s an idea for using GPS to keep an eye on your partner. Do you trust your spouse or partner? How can you be sure your partner is not cheating on you? Do you know where your partner is at any given moment? If you have these questions, you should consider buying, as soon as someone starts marketing such a product, a GPS engagement or wedding ring for your partner to wear.

You can track your partner’s movements using a computer. Golden smart phone. You can relax knowing where your partner is at any given moment.

Would you buy a GPS weeding or engagement ring and give it to your spouse to wear?

Would you wear such a ring if your spouse gave you one and you knew it was GPS enabled?

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