10 tips to help you make an impact with your story

I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but there’s a lot of talk about how to use your compelling story to get more customers.

Personally, I think it’s wonderful that more business owners are drawn to the principle: history + business = impact and it’s a beautiful thing to witness when magic happens.

But as more business owners ask, “Hey, can my story really get customers?” I would like to draw your attention for a moment to another side of the narrative that receives little attention: YOU.

That’s correct – YOU. (Well, you knew that, right?)

The only way to know if your story is appealing to your client is by getting in touch with that part of your story that feels true, real, vulnerable (Yes, I love the word “vulnerable and yes, it is overused!) .

I call it getting in touch with pure emotional energy. This first contact turns you on physically and mentally. You are eager to begin the process and that energy also sustains you, so you remain engaged with that energy.

And when you are clear about it, you are empowered. When you are empowered, you are unstoppable! Makes sense?

In today’s age of transformation, where people don’t want to be mediocre leaders and work with a “survival of the fittest” mentality. They, like you, also want to follow the course of your story and continue to empower them.

Consider these tips:

1.Be generous. Telling and sharing stories is a very generous act. Gratitude helps deepen this process.

2. Be a detective – Be willing to clarify the emotional triggers of your story: why do you want to tell it so much? (Don’t do too much research because you may never share it!)

3. Be patient with the discomfort and confusion your story brings. Know that the more willing you are to sit with these feelings, the more they will go away and the “meatier” parts will eventually come.

Four. Stay away from the results – they just get in your way. (Easier said than done, right?)

5. Be NOW in stillness and silence so you can listen to your story with your heart.

6. Practice bravery – It takes a lot of courage to give voice to your story, especially one that you have silenced for years. Be patient. (see tip # 3)

7. Be persistent – Being emotionally clear with your story requires the sweet gift of time. Maintain clarity by reflecting, journaling, and rambling – a powerful technical story.

8. Be yourself – tell your story with your heart. Don’t worry if your story doesn’t appeal to everyone; you don’t need it; more, you can only be yourself. This also means sharing your story (scared!) And with all your blemishes. (Yes, I know … another point easier said than done!)

9. Trust the process of clearing up emotionally of your story to ramble, tell stories and share and let the Universe handle all the details. When you don’t trust, you end up getting in the way of the Universe. The Universe will always come for you. It may not be the pace you want and how you see the result, but that’s life.

10. Get wildly creative and have fun! Storytelling is not reserved for the creative elite: everyone can access creativity at any time. Be willing to express yourself by the act of self-expression in yourself! And the more creative risks you are willing to take with your story, the more it will appeal to your client’s senses and this will help them see that their own story is him / herself, not just their story.

Congratulations on going so far!

Make 2013 the year you finally experience that breakthrough with your story, whether privately or publicly.

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