13 tips to ensure the success of the most perfect home business

Sure, sure, pretty much everyone calls their home-based business “PERFECT”, right? So with trillions of opportunities being offered every day, which one is telling the truth, and which one is right for you? Listed below are 13 of the most comprehensive tips and tools that will significantly benefit you in your quest to find the “perfect” home-based business, where you can make the most informed decision of your life and future.

1) The “perfect” home business should have been in business for a minimum of 5 years and should have little or no debt.

2) The “perfect” business from home would be sold to the world rather than a single neighborhood or even a single city or state.

(3) The “perfect” home-based business would offer a product that people need or want, almost regardless of price.

(4) The “perfect” home-based business would sell a product that cannot be easily substituted or copied. This means that the product is original or at least it is something that cannot be copyrighted or patented.

(5) The “perfect” home business has minimal manpower requirements (the fewer staff the better). The current example of this is the much talked about “virtual corporation”. The virtual corporation can consist of an office with three executives, where literally all manufacturing and services are transferred to other companies. In the “perfect” business from home, you are the boss.

(6) The “perfect” home business enjoys low overhead. You don’t need an expensive location, you don’t need large amounts of electricity, advertising, legal advice, high-priced employees, large inventory, etc. In the “perfect” business there are no overhead costs, since everything is done from home.

(7) The “perfect” home business does not require large cash outlays or large investments in equipment. In other words, it doesn’t immobilize your capital. One of the main reasons for the failure of new companies is undercapitalization.

(8) The “perfect” home business enjoys cash billing. In other words, you don’t tie up your capital with long or complex credit terms. In this “perfect” home-based business, the company bills for you by accepting credit cards or debiting checking accounts.

(9) The “perfect” home business is relatively free from all kinds of government and industry regulations and structures. If you own your own business now, you definitely know what I mean by this.

(10) The “perfect” business from home is portable or easy to move. This means that you can take your business (and yourself) anywhere you want, virtually anywhere in the world.

(11) Here’s a crucial one that is often overlooked. The “perfect” home business meets your intellectual and often emotional needs. There is nothing like being fascinated and incredibly satisfied with what you are doing. When that happens, you are not working, you are having fun.

(12) The “perfect” business from home leaves you free time. In other words, it doesn’t require your work and attention 12, 16 or 18 hours a day. In this business you can work as many hours as you want. You decide when you want to work and how many hours you want to invest in your future.

(13) Very important: the “perfect” home business is one in which your income is not limited by your personal production. (Lawyers and doctors have this problem.) In the “perfect” home-based business, you can sell to 10,000 customers as easily as you can sell to one. (The post is an example). And, with the “perfect” business from home, there is no limit to how much you can earn.

What makes this “perfect” home business so unique is this: it’s like a three-legged stool where you need all three legs to prevent it from falling over.

1) There is never any inventory to keep as the company houses the product (ships your customer’s order directly to your door) and bills the customer for you.

2) The company provides you with a tried and true product that everyone wants and needs, and most important of all, it is renewable, which means that your customers will practically order this product for themselves and their families for the rest. of their lifes.

3) And the last leg of the stool is YOU. You are the only variable in this “perfect” business from home. Unlike a conventional business where no matter how hard you work, you are still paid the same rate. In this, your “perfect” business, you get paid according to your own efforts.

That is all. Using the list will help you eliminate a lot of nonsense, hypocrisy, wishes and dreams regarding what you are looking for in life and in your work. How many people do you know who work in the “perfect” home business? As for YOU, it definitely helps to know what you are looking for and what you are dealing with. As a friend once said, “I can’t lay an egg and I can’t cook, but I know what a great omelette looks and tastes like.”

We found this PERFECT business 17 years ago and we never look back. Well, not unless it was another entrepreneur trying to recruit us for his home business. In all these years, no one has come close to this 40+ year, pro-environmental, debt free, 7 BILLION dollar business that offers an incredible ‘benefits package’ that rivals most Fortune 500 companies. .

If you’ve read this article by now, you’ve undoubtedly been looking for other home-based businesses. If you really want to start the PERFECT business from home, do your homework first. Research is everything. Plus, best for this business, your starting fee is only $ 50. As you evaluate our 13 prerequisites for a guaranteed successful business, keep in mind that this small fee will align you with this $ 7 billion business, favorable to the distributor who does not sell, but shares information. That’s right! You are not selling, but only sharing information with the potential customer, who can then make their own informed decision.


• You don’t need to spend a lot of money.

• It has no fixed or labor costs.

• You do not face any financial risk.

• Build a profitable small business using brand name products and a tried and tested system.

• Build a customer base and develop a dealer network by sharing the system with others.

• Receive a percentage of the sales volume of the other businesses.

• Receive effective support for yourself, your clients and your team.

It’s that easy!

Having said that, we hope we have provided you with more than enough information to make an informed decision when starting what we know as the most perfect home-based business in the world.

DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK! Just because we share information hard to believe, don’t take our word for it, do your own research. For a wealth of valuable information, please contact the website below.

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