2 Tips for Faster Metabolism and Passive Fat Loss

If you’re like me, no matter how much fat you lose, it never seems to be enough. Does that sound like you feel? Do you just want to exercise constantly and get rid of every ounce of fat on your body? Unfortunately, that is simply not possible due to our busy schedules.

However, there is a way to burn extra fat during your busy schedule. With a faster metabolism, you will burn more calories on average during your ordinary daily routine. So how do you get a faster metabolism? Follow these two simple tips, and you can rev up not only your metabolism, but your fat-burning fitness goals as well.

Tip 1: Eat a lot of food! Well, not in terms of quantity, but rather in terms of frequency. One problem many dieters run into is the starvation effect; They here that the only way to lose weight is to maintain a calorie deficit. This is only half the truth. If the dieter doesn’t eat food often enough, the body goes into starvation mode, storing every last morsel eaten as fat. To achieve a faster metabolism, you should eat 6 to 8 meals spread throughout the day. If you start to think you’re eating too much due to frequent eating, count your calories. The ideal amount of calories to reduce fat is 12 calories per pound of weight per day. Find that total based on your weight and spread it out over the day over 6-8 meals and you’ll be on your way to a faster metabolism!

Tip 2: Harness the effects of high-intensity interval training. If you are not familiar with this type of training, head over to the website in my bio and learn more. This type of training greatly speeds up your metabolism. The added stress releases excessive levels of catecholamines and growth hormone, your best feisty friends. Clinical studies show that the basic levels of these hormones remain elevated well above the initial value for up to 72 hours after the session. Just doing 15 minute intervals will get you a faster metabolism for the next 3 days!

How hard is that? With a little manipulation of your diet program and 15 minute intervals every other day, you’ll be burning more calories while watching TV than everyone else while at the gym! Use these two tips over the next month and watch your fighting efforts finally pay off.

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