Month: April 2022

Creative kids entertainment ideas that will amaze your kids

Whether you’re planning a road trip and want to include a few stops to keep your kids entertained and stimulated, or you’re just looking for activities for them to do while they’re out of school, you may be out of ideas. Here are some creative kids entertainment ideas that...

How to do the no contact rule

If you’ve been through a breakup and have been looking for a method to get your ex back, I can almost guarantee that you’ve stumbled upon something called the no contact rule. Most people are terrified of no contact and often ignore it. However, stopping contact with your ex...

The Advantages of Network Monitoring Tools and Apps

Utilizing properly configured network monitoring tools and applications can be used to proactively monitor, maintain, support and help stabilize your technical systems around the clock with little to no manual intervention required. As such, serious potential issues can be quickly identified before they become critical issues that can affect...

Six Ways to Reuse Vinyl Flooring Tile

Vinyl flooring has many benefits as a surface in the home. Not only is it affordable, but it is also available in many different colors and patterns. It is also easy to maintain. Whether you have pieces left over from an installation project or purchased especially for other uses,...

Porsche 914 Modifications, Suggestions and Alternatives

The Porsche 914 is an extremely adaptable sports car. Introduced in 1969, the model was produced until 1976. The mid-engined two-seater is a small and highly agile car. The only downside to the 914 is that it was underpowered. I think this was done to prevent the 914 from...

The Shaman’s Life: The Hero’s Journey

The life of the shaman takes place along the hero’s journey, which was laid out by the mythologist Joseph Campbell in five main stages. They are: 1) The early conventional life of the shaman; 2) The crisis, or call to adventure and awakening; 3) Discipline and training; 4) Culmination...

Mobile Homes: Little Boxes That Spit Out Cash

Whether you call them trailers, mobile homes, or more accurately, manufactured homes, they’re worth incorporating into your real estate investment plan. Manufactured homes are the most affordable type of housing available and there is a high demand for affordable housing in the United States today. Consider that in December...

Novus Glass Franchise Review and Franchise Facts

For anyone planning to start a small business or own a franchise, Novus Glass Franchise may be a viable opportunity. The great thing about owning a franchise is that you can start the business with a small amount and still continue in your current line of work. Novus Glass...

Bodyweight Skull Crushers

I read somewhere that Skull Crushers is the only exercise that has a “warning” in its name. I can only imagine how the name came about, but what I do know is that it’s probably one of the best tricep exercises you can do. What’s even more amazing about...