7 powerful tools to attract perfect clients

Who is your perfect client?

What does he or she value? How much money does he or she want to spend? Where is her vacation client going? How easy is it for her client to make a decision?

As you clarify your vision of your perfect customer, you set an intention for these people to find you. You stop and invite perfect clients into your life. You don’t have to figure out how they’ll find you.

When you are very clear about something you want, isn’t it easier to find it? Let’s say you want a new computer. How much do you want to spend? You need to do? How much memory do you need? How fast should you trade? Need to network to other computers or your printer? If you are not specific, you know the wide range of products that can come through the door. When you are very clear about your next home, your next car, your next vacation, your next pet, the right decisions will come to you in a much easier way. It will be easier for you to recognize the correct options because you are clear about what you want.

Powerful tool to attract clients #1: Focus on a client that you really like. Focus on a client you couldn’t do anything wrong for. List the attributes of that customer.

Powerful Client Attracting Tool #2: Seriously consider letting go of clients who are taking your energy. You know the clients I’m talking about. You’d rather clean the toilet than hang out with these customers. You see the caller ID and you run. These are the clients you need to release.

Powerful tool to attract clients #3: Be even clearer about the clients you are looking for, maybe sell website design. Your perfect client is looking at a dozen sites designed over the next year and has venture funds to pay you well. He or she wants to give you a lot of freedom, responsibility, pay, and respect. That sounds like a great client to me.

Powerful tool to attract clients #4: Stop searching so much. Tell all your friends. Tell your relatives. In real estate and MLM business, this is called communicating with your sphere of influence. Your hairdresser, your postman. You have no idea if people would love, honor and respect your services if they have no idea you provide them. Don’t shut down the opportunity by not sharing what you’re looking for with the people you see every day.

Powerful tool to attract clients #5: Dream about clients who call you out of the blue. This one is fun, most people can’t really do it. Have a dream moment when you imagine that someone appears in your life and needs your services. Here is an example that happened to me recently. I flew to Seattle to attend an energy workshop. My intention was to enjoy the workshop and learn a lot. The night before the workshop, I went to a VIP party and got two writing jobs that I wasn’t looking for. Just talking about perfect clients drew them to me, without even trying.

Powerful tool to attract clients #6: Be open to new opportunities. Don’t be surprised, with this mindset, if your gardener sends you a perfect customer. It’s crazy what can happen when you open your mind.

Powerful tool to attract clients #7: I know what you are looking for. This will help you attract more excellence. The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. Then how are you? Do you make decisions easily? Do you stress and analyze forever? As long as you like customers like that, no problem. If you want a change, change yourself.

Who is your perfect client? Is he or she someone who:

or need your product or service

or will recommend your business to many customers like them

where you make decisions easily

or pay your service on time and easily

o is friendly and easy to work with

o communicates clearly and lets you know how you can help them

Stop whatever you’re doing right now and grab a pen or pencil.
Write a list of your customer’s perfect attributes. Don’t worry if you’re busy or aren’t sure why you need to list what’s perfect. Chances are you can find a dozen reasons not to do this right now, but do it anyway. Stop and list what would be amazing, amazing, inspiring, and true about your favorite clients. What do you want to see? Imagine it now.

You’re done? No not yet!

Now that you have a list of at least 10 attributes of your perfect customer, let’s take it one step further. Imagine feelings of excitement, joy, and delight when this person or people walk into your life. Imagine knowing with certainty that you are meeting with all the right people, all of your perfect clients, right now. Imagine that these customers were always around you and you couldn’t see them before.

You are on your way.

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