7 Reasons Why A Christian Believer Should Engage In Bible Study

Have you heard people ask questions like why should a Christian study the Bible? Isn’t church bible study enough? Is the Bible the word of God? Some would love to study the Bible, but just don’t seem to have time for it. This article is to give the reasons why Christian believers SHOULD study the Bible and they are listed in no particular order.

The Bible is the word of God to humanity. Anyone who cares to study it gets to know more about God, what He thinks and how he thinks and why he thinks the way he does. Furthermore, the Bible teaches us how God operates and how to connect to his ways to enjoy all of God’s blessings and escape destruction. Now, separating these teachings from the word of God;

Why should we study the bible?

one. Revelation of our position in Christ

The Bible focuses on the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, from Genesis to Revelation. The scriptures point to the salvation of mankind by Jesus. This was fulfilled in the New Testament. Jesus redeemed man and restored his relationship with God, restoring him to his original state before his fall. The study of the Bible reveals this to us and teaches us how to access this victory and how we can exercise this victory only in Christ. That is, it reveals who you are in Christ and what power you have in Christ Jesus. We are seated with Christ in the place of authority in the heavenlies as Ephesians 2:5-6 says.

2. Revelation of our inheritance in Christ

Through the study of the Bible, a Christian believer discovers what belongs to him as a believer. Paul said in Acts 20:32 that the word of God has power to give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. This inheritance includes healing, prosperity, long life, peace, etc. and finally eternal life. When people are ignorant of what they can enjoy as Christians, the devil will always deceive or destroy them, just as God said in Hosea 4:6 that his people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

3. Revelation of our authority over the devil

Bible study reveals our authority over the devil. Although Satan has dominion over the world, he does not have dominion over Christians. He only oppresses believers who do not know his authority over him and how to exercise it. Jesus said in Luke 10:19 that he has given you power to attack serpents and scorpions and over ALL the power of the enemy and nothing shall harm you.

Four. spiritual growth

What eating food is for the body is what studying the Bible is for the spirit. Peter encouraged new believers in 1 Peter 2:2 to desire the sincere milk of the word so they can grow. Also in Hebrews 5:12-14, Paul was rebuking the Hebrews who should have graduated from milk to strong meat. Therefore, the study of the Bible allows a baby Christian to grow spiritually to become a mature Christian believer. The word of God in your heart turns you away from sin and makes you live a victorious life in Christ.

5. Direction

You enjoy divine direction and guidance as you study the Bible and do what it says. The psalmist described the word of God in Psalm 119: 105 as a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. The study of the Bible allows you to know what step to take in any situation that leads to success and not failure, life and not death, victory and not defeat. It is what makes the difference between a blind Christian who doubts and a believing Christian who sees.

6. Wisdom and understanding

The Bible is a bank of wisdom. Through the study of the Bible, wisdom and understanding are imparted to Christian believers. The psalmist said in Psalm 119:98-99 that God’s words made him wiser than his enemies and gave him more understanding than his teachers. All the wisdom and understanding you need is in the Bible, but it is through Bible study that it can be delivered to you.

7. Audacity

Many Christians avoid talking about Jesus because they don’t have the word of God in them. They are afraid that if they are asked some questions they will not know the answers. Bible study takes care of that. Paul admonished Timothy, in 2 Timothy 2:15, that he should study so that he will not be ashamed, but rather that he can accurately teach the word of truth.

Although studying the Bible requires time, it is essential if you want to enjoy your Christian walk with Jesus. Also, church Bible study cannot take the place of personal study of God’s word in the life of a Christian, both are necessary. Heed the words of God, that they do not depart from your eyes and keep them in your heart, and they will be life and health for your body. Make Bible study a priority in your life today and you’ll be glad you did tomorrow.

Do you have other reasons for studying the Bible?

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