7 Valuable Tips to Help With Opioid Addiction Symptoms and Withdrawal from Home

Breaking free from a drug addiction can be extremely difficult. It can be both scary and intimidating for those who want to beat their opioid addictions. Heroin addicts can face some of the most excruciating withdrawal symptoms. For some, inpatient rehabilitation is not an option or may not be affordable and can cost thousands of dollars. Although rehab clinics are the best way for someone to overcome drug addiction, an at-home solution is discreet and from the comfort of your own home.

Although illicit opiate addictions, such as heroin and opium addictions, are often the strongest withdrawal symptoms, even pharmaceutical opiate addictions can be almost as difficult to break.

Below are some tips for those who want to beat their opiate addiction from home to enjoy a clean, drug-free lifestyle.

1. Get a book or program that will help you understand your addiction and help you in your ability to combat withdrawal symptoms. At the end of this article is a website that offers such programs designed to help you from the comfort of your own home. Plus, they cost a lot less than going to a rehab clinic and can save you a lot of money. Even a hundred dollar program that is guaranteed to work costs much less than an inpatient clinic. This is highly recommended.

2. Too often, people rely on their drug addiction to keep them going. This is one of the biggest mistakes one can make. If you are currently using drugs, it is important that you take steps to stay healthy. Eating right, taking vitamin supplements, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and making healthy choices are all crucial when you decide to quit or find yourself in a position where you can’t sustain your drug habit. Don’t push yourself just because a drug makes you feel like you can. Instead, do what you can to stay healthy, you’ll be thankful when opiate withdrawal symptoms set in.

3. Take it seriously. Don’t plan for your withdrawal symptoms to be easy. Make sure you are fully prepared mentally, physically, and socially to handle such a process. Opioid withdrawal symptoms don’t last long, but you may find yourself in a position where you have to miss work, family occasions, and other potential commitments you may have. Again, getting a book or program beforehand is a smart way to play it safe, and you’ll find those resources at the end of this article.

4. Mind over matter. You may feel some anxiety when withdrawal symptoms start to occur. Try to think positive and think of it as your body trying to heal itself and that’s a long time ago. The symptoms won’t last forever and the first two days are always the hardest. Do your best to ignore limiting attitudes and keep in mind that every day, every second and every minute you are getting better and getting closer to feeling better.

5. Rest as much as you can. Most opiate addicts don’t realize they don’t sleep as much because they’re not used to feeling sick from lack of sleep. In other words, sleep equals healing. The more you rest and drink plenty of fluids, the better chance your body has of fully healing itself.

6. Treat yourself like you have the flu. Whether you’re addicted to opium, addicted to heroin, or addicted to methadone, when withdrawal symptoms strike, it always looks like the flu. So what is the best thing to do? Treat your withdrawal symptoms like the flu. By this I mean take vitamin supplements, vitamin C, drink lots of juices, sports drinks with electrolytes, lots of water, chicken noodle soups and other “soup” soups, get plenty of rest, keep warm, if possible take a bath warm and soak for a long period of time (this will calm your nerves) and sometimes a little acetaminophen will relieve body aches and pains.

7. Create a plan – Having a well thought out plan will minimize the risk of severely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms due to severe opioid addiction. For example, if you are addicted to opium, reading about it online or knowing what to expect can prepare your mind for the rather uncomfortable experience you are about to encounter.

No matter where you live, whether it’s Portland, Oregon, Los Angeles, California, Austin, Texas, or New York, New York, there are countless people who are going through what you may be going through, and thousands have been able to overcome such addictions. If possible, seek professional advice from a doctor, counselor, friends and family you trust. There are many programs around the world that offer free or inexpensive solutions to drug addiction rehabilitation. Know your options and keep your convictions strong, have a positive attitude and you will be able to succeed in any trial you may face.

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