Bed Wetting: A Common Occurrence Among Young Children

There are many problems that you would face as a parent and one of those delicate or complicated situations is bedwetting, also called enuresis. The first thing you need to understand is that the child is not doing this activity intentionally, it is an involuntary action and you should avoid reprimanding the child for it. Rebuking the child for such an action can certainly leave him depressed and anxious. As a parent, you need to understand that your child is not the only one going through this situation, there are millions of children around the world who do. Bedwetting is common among children, and many outgrow it over time. It is not an alarming situation and does not require any kind of extreme measures to deal with it. The age of your child should be considered before drawing conclusions about the condition and ways to treat it.

According to various studies conducted over the years in the country and around the world, most children outgrow bedwetting or bedwetting by the time they reach the age of 4 or 5. The reason for this is that children develop control over their bladder and sphincter muscles by the time they are 4 years old. The other reason is the potty training they receive from their parents, it has been noted that children develop a certain amount of control over the situation during the day but not at night. After a few days of potty training, children begin to show signs of control even at night. Although bedwetting is quite common among children, parents feel embarrassed and do not recognize the reasons behind it. It has been posited through various studies that not only children but also adolescents suffer from this condition and there is a healthy number of such people.

Just because bedwetting is fairly common among kids doesn’t mean you don’t do anything to treat it. It has been reported in many studies and research that this condition is more common in boys than girls. Once your child reaches the age of 2 or 3, she can begin potty training. This training will certainly make a difference over a period of time and you can look forward to a drier bed in the morning. Alarm bells should only sound if the child is over 6 years old and still wets the bed. In such cases, it is recommended that you comfort the child and visit a doctor. Unlike the old days, you don’t need to wait for your child to grow up thinking the problem will go away, there are medications that can help your child get over the embarrassing situation. The other way to help your child is to make him understand that it happens to almost everyone and that there is nothing to be ashamed of. With the passage of time the situation will definitely improve.

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