sleep strategies that work

There are times in every parent’s life when lack of sleep becomes a problem and it is accepted that for the first six months it will be a way of life.

But, babies and toddlers need sleep, and you’ll be surprised how much! The most common problems are when they can’t fall asleep (maybe it takes them hours to fall asleep, or they can only sleep if you hold them or if they’re in your bed), or when I can’t sleep through the night without waking up.

But keep in mind that your behavior influences your child’s actions and you hold the key to improving sleep behavior, you just need to learn how to use it. It might take a while; I’m often surprised how quickly problems can be resolved, but don’t worry if it doesn’t happen in a week. Be consistent and you will succeed.

Safe and successful sleep techniques

try to wrap

Young babies often wake up moving their arms and legs, and swaddling them tight enough so they are comfortable but can’t move their limbs too much can help prevent them from waking at night.

Lay a square blanket so that the corner is facing up. Fold the corner down and lay your baby down so that his head rests on the top edge of the blanket. Bring one of the side corners over the body and tuck it under him, then fold the bottom corner up over his feet and legs and then wrap the other side of the blanket tightly, leaving his room snug.

The water mummy method

Its scent can help your baby relax and sleep. Putting something like an old T-shirt near (but not in) the crib can help her fall asleep while you’re in another room.

phase out

This is a really effective technique for getting your baby or older child settled for sleep. It is especially useful for young children who are not used to sleeping in their own bed or who need to be physically close to sleep.

Every night, put him to bed on his own bed or cot, say goodnight, but then stay in the room. This doesn’t mean that you continue to talk to her about her, touch her, or play with her, just provide a comforting presence. Don’t even make eye contact.

As the days go by, gradually move away from your child, until he is able to move away from the bed and out of the room completely.

quick return

This is a ‘tough love’ approach for young children, but it works well when there are chronic sleep problems, especially when these involve aggression or tantrums. It’s the evening equivalent of ‘time out’, and you need to be very, very loud and clear about what’s going to happen. It’s hard to implement, but it’s worth it. You can start using the phase out method if it is easier for you.

The quick return technique means that you put your toddler to bed, turn off the light, say goodnight, and leave the room. If he gets out of bed, gently and immediately lead them back, without talking or losing your temper (which is very difficult when it’s the 20th time that night). Repeat this process promptly and firmly as many times as necessary, until you finally fall asleep.

It can be exhausting, so whenever possible, try to enlist the help of your partner and trade turns, but make sure you’re in complete agreement about what to do, to avoid sending mixed messages to your little one.

Incentives, praise and rewards.

However you decide to approach your child’s sleep problem, it will probably be necessary to negotiate in the early stages. It’s okay to negotiate a deal that promises a deal tomorrow, but don’t make it a habit. If your child has reached the goal he set for himself, whether it’s sleeping through the night or staying in his own bed, shower him with praise. Then set new goals and this should help her form a link between being good and being in her good books.

Stickers rarely fail as a means of showing children how well they are doing. If your child is old enough to understand the concept of a night fairy, tell her that the fairy will be waiting to see how well she sleeps, and then add a sticker to her graphic.

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