Bulk up fast by eating 400g of protein on workout days – Serious Trainers Only!

Food on a strength training day is incredibly important if you want to see results. It is recommended to eat at least 250g of protein on a weight lifting day. I am going to go further and tell you which foods will help you achieve 400g of protein in a training day. If you do this twice a week on one training day, you can expect to see results very, very quickly.

400g is a large amount of protein that will probably only be consumed after about a month of allowing your body to get used to eating large amounts of protein on a daily basis. Here are some of the foods and techniques that will help you achieve the hallowed “400 in a day.”

It is important to note that due to the unusual levels of food consumed in a day, you should only eat what you are comfortable eating and NEVER force eat. This is simply a recommended guide on how to achieve 400g of protein in a day and should be tailored to your size and stature.

Protein shake

You will need about 4 shakes during the day, 3 small shakes with a protein content of about 30g and one large shake after training that has about 50-60g of protein. This shake should be taken as soon as possible after finishing the workout.

Big meal after training

After your shake you need to have a high protein meal, consisting of protein only, your goal is 100g of protein here. The 2 easiest foods to do this without spending a fortune are whole chicken or canned tuna. Tuna is very high in lean protein, you are looking for around 4 cans of tuna to complete the 100g.

between snacks

Eat protein-rich snacks, such as almonds and dried walnuts, between meals or shakes.


Implement the use of eggs in your diet to get the most benefit from high protein foods. Take 4 to 6 eggs in the morning along with a glass of milk. On training days, eat a breakfast rich in carbohydrates.

4 meals

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the 3 main meals that people have every day. But for your high-calorie training program, you should implement a fourth meal to make up for the extra protein intake. The best time to place this is around 9 o’clock.

If you manage to hit 400g in one day, twice a week, you’ll soon be able to achieve significant muscle gain using a proven muscle building system.

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