Category: Arts Entertainments

3-step formula to write your USP

There’s an easy 3-step formula, and this is something we’re going to do. This is a formula that was created by a GKIC member named John Carlton. And this is an easy way to be able to create a USP. You can build it fast, you can build it...

Verbal Self-Defense: A Critical Factor in Women’s Self-Defense

Verbal self-defense, using your voice in a threatening situation, is an extremely important tool for protecting yourself. How? Uncommon in popular belief, criminals don’t just pounce on an individual when they feel like it. They attack when they see an opportunity available to them. If it’s easy, they’ll take...

Blood in the poop: will it kill you and can it be cured?

More than 11 million people in the US alone suffer from symptoms of blood in the stool, specifically hemorrhoids. Because of this, it is essential to know what symptoms to look for. Hemorrhoids usually occur in people between the ages of 45 and 65, but younger people and children...

A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints

Robert Downey Jr. has an uncanny talent for dazzling audiences in every role he finds himself in. His performances matter a lot, from a columnist for the Los Angeles Times in this year’s heartfelt drama The Soloist (co-starring a riveting Jamie Foxx, who shows us once again that we...

What is Prepper’s rule of 3 and why is it so important?

You will often hear preppers and survivors talk about the “Rule of Three” and you may be a little confused, because there is actually more than one “Rule of Three” out there. And while both were originally designed to help a person out in the wild, they can also...

The importance of "Strategic Products" in your wallet

Accountants like to tell personal marketers that certain products or services in the portfolio are not making a living and should be phased out. Create this at your own risk! Let’s see some examples: In the gypsum board industry a few years ago, “fire resistant” board sales were minimal...

About the poem "Design" by Robert Frost

In the fifth verse of the poem “Design”, an invisible hand enters. The characters are “mixed” like ingredients in an evil potion. Some force making the mix is ​​behind the scenes. The characters themselves are innocent enough, but when put together their whiteness and de rigueur shroud look are...

What is the source of happiness?

How many times in our daily life do we meet people who are simply unhappy? Life can throw so many curveballs our way that happiness sometimes seems like an elusive concept, left only to those who “have it all.” Hello, I am Steve Beaman and welcome to the Spiritual...

Golden tips to wear plus size fashion with style

Gone are the days when the fashion industry leaned towards petite women. Today, plus size women have enough options in terms of brands and labels, if not more. However, before you buy plus size clothing, we have some tips below to help you. Dress your size! That is the...