Category: Digital Marketing

Niche Business Marketing: How To Do It

Starting a business is an easy job to do, but getting it successful is challenging, especially when you’re competing against multiple business rivals. In that case, targeting a niche is perhaps the most successful idea you can work on. To be successful in your business, you must first determine...

Why do I need SEO for my website?

SEO affects all websites online and if you own an online business, you need SEO for your website. SEO is short for “search engine optimization”. The SEO of a website helps determine how well it will rank in Google and the other search engines. Simply put, how high on...

Why They Are Important For Your Business

advertising agency An advertising agency, also known as an online marketing agency or a creative marketing agency, is basically a company devoted to making, strategizing, and executing marketing and sometimes other kinds of publicity for its clients. This service-oriented business usually caters to different kinds of clients, such as...

SEO factors and their impact on digital marketing strategies in 2018

As you may already know, Google is constantly evolving its search ranking algorithms every year. In 2017, Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) emerged. In 2018, many new trends are emerging that would affect SEO factors. Here are some of the upcoming SEO trends in 2018: 1. Search Engine Results...

Keyword Permutations: An Update from Google Maccabees

There is currently a lot of talk all over the sites due to the latest Google Maccabees update. This update reportedly primarily affects affiliate sites, some say this was accurate for sites with multiple categories and subcategories such as eCommerce structures, some say it is a bug with the...

Books to teach children about right and wrong

Several books written by experts are available on the market to help parents and teachers teach the values ​​of honesty, right and wrong to children during their formative years. A review of these books will provide more information on the usefulness of these media as teaching tools for children....

10 tips to help you make an impact with your story

I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but there’s a lot of talk about how to use your compelling story to get more customers. Personally, I think it’s wonderful that more business owners are drawn to the principle: history + business = impact and it’s a beautiful thing...

How to write articles quickly (live article writing example)

Article marketing is great, but many people think that it takes that long to write an article. What that means to those people is that they are not able to write fast enough to make article marketing profitable. Because truth be told, if you write an article, you have...