Category: Health Fitness

Wugging for health and weight loss

If you hate exercising, you’re not alone. But instead of giving up exercise like most people do, try exercising. Woggling is fun. Wugging is healthy. And wiggling is a great way to lose weight. Wogging is a term for an exercise that combines the best of two worlds: walking...

Mini Steppers – Pros and Cons

The mini stepper machine is one of the best exercise machines out there, but that doesn’t mean it will be the right exercise machine for you. To help you decide whether to say “Yes, please” to mini-stairs, take a look at these pros and cons of mini-stairs: Pros of...

Exercises to Lose Body Fat

Body fat tends to accumulate around the midsection, especially on me. Getting rid of it is much harder than gaining it, as most people know. There is no quick fix, magic pill or magic potion that will allow you to lose weight. The only thing that really works, apart...

Massive weight loss causes “turkey break” for WLS patients

A friend of mine who recently lost nearly 150 pounds after gastric bypass surgery was sharing her excitement with an acquaintance. She was excited because all her type II diabetes symptoms were gone and she is no longer taking any medication; she feels healthier than ever in her life....

Aligning your body, mind and spirit into one powerful force

There are those (albeit few) who continue to believe that “being healthy” is all about focusing on how well the body is working. Then there are more enlightened people who are aware of their mind-body connection and know that “being healthy” refers to the health of the mind as...

Build maintainable lean muscle

Nutrition: This is one of the hardest parts of building a great physique for most people. It is also one of the most crucial parts of gaining lean muscle. A major misconception is that the more protein you eat, the more muscle you will build. This is not true!...

Walking can help digestion

In many countries it has been known for a long time that walking is one of the best aids to properly digest food. In our fast-paced lives, we tend to eat and rest afterwards because we’ve been working hard and need a break. A better way might be to...

10 Reasons to Cut Sugar Into Your Diet

It has been several years since we were told to reduce the salt in our diets. Then we were told to cut back on sugar because researchers have linked it to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and many complications related to these disorders. In 2016, the general advice is to...

Lose belly fat in 6 simple steps

Belly fat is not something we would like to have. In fact, abdominal fat makes us look unhealthy and unattractive. Research has shown that being overweight and the accumulation of fat in the belly predispose us to various diseases. These obesity-related diseases include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, elevated lipid levels,...