Category: Home Kitchen

Decorate your kitchen with a retro 1940s theme

Today’s kitchen décor comes in all colors, sizes, and eras. A fun way to decorate your kitchen is with a little ’40s nostalgia. Painted cabinets, glass knobs and vintage bedding combined with new appliances that have a retro look can give you a unique and functional kitchen. You can...

Bathroom Remodeling: Small Bathroom Remodeling Tips

Bathrooms are one area of ​​the home that offers comfort and convenience, which means they deserve a lot of attention when it comes to remodeling. A little planning will ensure that the remodeled bathroom matches your home décor and offers you a comfortable retreat. The key to creating a...

Small kitchen design ideas

Small kitchen design ideas should be ways that you can come up with to save as much space as possible while having everything you need in the kitchen. As stated above, a small island in your small kitchen design can help save space when it comes to storage for...

Kitchen cabinets – spacious kitchen for extreme efficiency

In recent years, the kitchen has become a central part of a home where the whole family gathers, eats, and performs various household tasks. Since it has become so important, it must be designed with all factors in mind, especially space and storage. Even if you know exactly what...

6 Features to Consider When Choosing Your Cabinet Hardware

During a kitchen or bathroom remodel, you have many decisions to make. Don’t let the decision-making process of selecting knobs and handles for your doors and drawers keep you from moving forward. Selecting the best hardware for your cabinets is one way to express your personal style and taste....

All about European bathroom vanities

One of the advantages of European bathroom vanities is that they can be placed in traditional, classic and even modern designs. Since it is highly detailed and elegant, the vanity instantly draws attention to itself as the main attraction in the bathroom. European dressers come in a variety of...