Category: Lifestyle Fashion

How fast do you lose weight with Nutrisystem?

I get a lot of questions about what life is like on Nutrisystem and what results are typical. To that end, I get a lot of questions about how fast the diet works. People want to know how much weight they will lose in a week, a month, or...

Best Untapped Secret Mobile Car Wash Markets in California

Well, maybe I shouldn’t give out such valuable information for free, however, there are hot spots in California for the mobile car wash industry and many are completely untapped, with many customers and little to no real organized competition. Anyone in the mobile car wash business should consider these...

What are twin flames and soul mates?

What are soul mates? Twin souls are two souls that were created when the same energetic unit was divided into two separate and complete halves in the Universal Womb of all Creation by Mother-Father God. Twin souls are born together on the energetic plane in a manner comparable to...

The 5 Best Wealth Books Ever Written

1. Think and Grow Rich Originally published in 1937, this classic best-seller is undoubtedly one of the best wealth books ever written. This book helped millions of people around the world to achieve their dreams. The author, Napoleon Hill, spent his entire life researching the world’s most successful, wealthy,...

How to get dewy skin in 5 easy steps

Smooth, dewy skin is sexy. A dewy face says, “I’m young, I’m healthy, and yes, I look good.” Any self-respecting fashionista has her secret tactics for getting a kiss-it-up beauty haze look. But if somehow your recipe for getting your skin to glow without looking greasy has failed you,...

Useful makeup tips to look beautiful

Getting some general makeup tips for different occasions is a great idea, since you don’t want to wear the same type of makeup every time. Makeup for the office will be completely different from how makeup is applied at a wedding or birthday party. Makeup tips and tricks often...

Different types of girdles for women

Shapewear for women today is very different than the products that were offered a hundred years ago. In centuries past, a girdle was a large and uncomfortable garment that you put on. Once you were inside, someone else would adjust your clothes and get you inside. In reality, women...