Color coding for confidence and success

A very self-confident, well-groomed, coordinated and striking person walks. Her attire flows perfectly, her makeup (if she is a woman) is sufficient and complements them, highlighting her important facial features, the colors of her clothes bring her face to life, and her accessories are perfect for the image needed for that day and time. . .

What is it that draws attention to them?

Your confidence? His clothes? The mixed colors? What is it about this person that catches your eye?

It could be their personality of being a confident entrepreneur, it could be that they harnessed the skills of a professional color coding and wardrobe planner, even just an innate sense of style and taste.

The good news is that you can achieve this too with just a little forethought and planning. It doesn’t even have to cost more than your budget allows.

The question, however, must be asked: do you want to achieve this by yourself or do you prefer to stay in the background, blending in and going unnoticed, invisible, forever like a flower on the wall?

Remember that we all have good and then better qualities. The skill in life is knowing how to use them effectively and appropriately.

The keys to doing this are:

First, know your personality style.

Second, understand where you can improve, acquire, and enhance your positive personality attributes.

Third, know what skin tone you have and how to complement it to your advantage, keeping in mind your personality style and the work you’re involved in.

The analysis of a spot is never conclusive, but it will give you an idea of ​​why you can enjoy either the power or the people, staying in the background or being at the forefront of the action.

d personalities

Do it now, do it my way or hit the road. Give me the final result and do it quickly. I like to look good but I don’t want to waste time doing it. Power suit is good here

I personalities

Let’s go party!! Don’t worry about tomorrow, let’s be friends and talk about me. Vivid, mixed, combined and incomparable colors, the more color the better. Style in an unorthodox way.

personal allusions

Don’t rock the boat. Let’s all be friends and have peace and come to me, I prefer my home to any other.

Calm, calm colors, let’s blend into the background, style is not a problem, but comfort.


Acts. Details. Life works on the finer points of life. Let’s do the work after we have analyzed EVERYTHING. we can even get creative about it and make it look cool. look sharp, well coordinated, colors and styles should match and hair should be like that.

This is just a little thumbnail sketch of where you potentially fit in. remember, we need to know who we are so that we can develop into what we could be.

Aside from the I personality who doesn’t care if the color is good for them as long as everyone notices them, the rest of the personalities will need to see if they fit a skin type with a blue undertone or a yellow undertone.

If you develop brown spots on your skin when orange approaches you, stay away from yellow tones. (A yellow with a blue undertone is great on blue-toned skin, as is a red with a blue undertone.) Turquoise, blue, pink, white will complement you.

If brown spots develop when bringing a cherry color close to the face, stay away from blue-toned colors. You’ll look great in russets, oranges, and orangey reds.

Obviously, eye color and hair color play separately, so this is just a guide to help you look better than good. Light eyes can wear lighter colors than dark eyes, but both can look great depending on your tan and hair color.

When people tell you, “You look great.” That’s a good color for you. When they say, “Wow, what a great color,” wear it as a jacket or pants, since they see the color and not you.

Experiment, but remember that store lighting gives a slight yellow tint or a very washed-out look to certain colors. That’s why you like it in the store and never use it once you try it on at home.

Find what complements your type of figure and type of work, comfortable glamor is an attainable state. Decide if you want to blend in or stand out and dress accordingly.

This is the time to expand your horizons and turn the good you are into the best you can be.

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