Different hats in a team

While leading a team, you have to wear different hats. Sometimes you have to change many hats in a single day. Here the hats imply roles you are responsible for in order to successfully lead a team. While there are likely to be more, we’ll talk about ten hats in leadership.

Wear facilitator hat

As a leader, you need to ensure that team members have good working conditions and that you have a role to facilitate for others. It is not just a meeting or a group situation, there are times when you can wear a facilitator hat for a smooth flow of business and increased productivity.

wear coach hat

The role of a coach is not just to train, but to develop the full potential of team members. Analyzing performance, instructing in relevant skills, and providing encouragement from time to time are all important aspects of a coach’s hat. As a leader, it is your primary responsibility to help others succeed in their roles and prepare for future roles.

wear visionary hat

Given the strategy, leaders must have a clear idea of ​​where we are and where we want to go. You need to know how to close the gap by leading the team in the right direction. They must know and be able to articulate the goals and why these goals are important to the organization, their team, and themselves.

Wear Decision Maker Hat

A great team is formed when the entries of all team members enter. As a leader, you must be decisive by nature. Procrastinating things will lead to a lack of energy, motivation, and participation in a team. Whether it’s a small decision or a policy change, a leader must show up and take action.

Wear strategist hat

While this hat is believed to be worn by leaders at the highest levels of the organization, the truth is that all leaders need to think strategically. Think about the big picture. And a leader must know what directions and approaches should be used to achieve the desired result.

wear change agent hat

With strategy and vision, the need for change is inevitable. If the leader is open to change, his team will follow.


“Be the change you want to see in others” – This hat goes perfectly with the quote. A leader must continually influence his team members to keep things running.

Wear team member hat

As a leader, you are not always leading. You are also one of the team members. A successful leader knows how to put this hat on and when to take it off.


A leader must know how to get others to do things. You can’t do it all. He must know how to delegate work efficiently.


This hat should fit well. Even if you’re not leading a team, great listening skills take you a long way. As the leader, this hat must be under all other hats at all times. The best leaders talk less and listen, ask, and observe more.

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