Do topical anti-wrinkle skin treatments really work?

It seems that the scientific community will never agree on the efficacy of topical anti-wrinkle treatments. Of course, plastic surgeons will always insist that paying for their high-priced services is the only way to find a solution and other doctors will insist that $400 Botox treatments are their only hope.

Then there are those in the medical and scientific community who strongly adhere to the argument that sun-damaged skin and skin that has wrinkled as a result of the aging process is therefore unrepairable; any treatment simply won’t work. The truth of the matter is that not everyone has what it takes to have their face “cut and peeled” in a facelift and many simply don’t like the “tight and unnatural” look that often results from a facelift. facial.

Comprehensive new research developments have led to a greater understanding of the biological dynamics of aging and sun-damaged skin. As a result of this new knowledge, products have been developed that contain active ingredients that, while they do not repair damaged and degraded skin, can effectively eliminate symptoms such as wrinkles and dark spots.

After it was discovered that crow’s feet are not caused by drying and stretching of the skin, but by the thinning of the dermal-epidermal junction at the bottom skin substrate, new products were developed to address the thinning of the junction. dermoepidermal which results in more superficial and superficial skin. Shorter crow’s feet wrinkles.

These new products contain substances that work below the skin’s surface at the cellular level to stimulate fluid retention in this layer of connective tissue and also to stimulate collagen production, which in turn causes it to thicken. The result is shorter, shallower crow’s-feet wrinkles in the thin, delicate skin around the eyes and lips.

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