Dream Interpretation as Science – Your Protection Against Infidelity and Betrayal

I have just received a series of dreams from a husband whose wife is obviously not loyal to him.

First he sent me a dream, and after my first translation he sent me three more, which he had seen before.

The first dream was complex, the second very simple, the third full of symbols, and the last one so clear that anyone could interpret it without even knowing anything about the scientific method of interpreting dreams.

This happens because dreams about the person you love are very clear. The unconscious mind urgently tries to save your mental health when you see dreams that show you certain truths that you don’t like about the person you love.

This man saw so many dreams about his wife’s infidelity because if he suddenly found out that his wife had an affair, he would lose his sanity.

When he sent me his first dream he told me he was happily married…

Men take time to perceive the infidelity of their wife or girlfriend and accept that this is really happening to them, while women are used to doubting that their husband is really loyal to them, so they more easily accept their husband’s infidelity or boyfriend.

Two weeks ago I received a long dream of a young man who was very suspicious and afraid to give me information about him and his life.

I told him that our conversation was confidential and that I would not publish everything he told me in my e-book, only what is necessary to help my readers understand the connection between his life and his dreams, since he has agreed to publish his dreams and some details of his biography in my new e-book on dream interpretation.

His long dream was actually a collection of small dreams on the same subject: his girlfriend.

He was also the victim of infidelity, but he couldn’t believe it.

I translated all his little dreams, telling him that he had to forget about his girlfriend and look for a woman who truly loved him, but he didn’t want to understand what I was saying.

After a few days I feel another very long dream. This time there was a continuation in the story and the whole dream was connected, as well as changing a lot at many points.

This long dream explained to him better that his girlfriend was not loyal to him and why.

This dream also clearly showed him that he did not want to believe that his girlfriend was cheating on him, no matter how many proofs he had, many times confirming his suspicions.

He hoped to receive a better interpretation for his next dream.

He did not want to believe that the first collection of dreams he saw was showing him the truth, and he despised my first very clear translation. Of course, I was delicate with him, seeing that he did not want to believe the truth.

It was more than obvious to me that his girlfriend was cheating on him from the first little dream I read, but he didn’t want to see that. He even told me when he sent me the second big dream that he trusted his girlfriend and that he was “sure” she wouldn’t cheat on him.

In other words, I did not want to believe in the wisdom of the unconscious!

Of course, I had no idea how serious and real the information that you have in your dreams about the person you love is.

The unconscious mind that produces your dreams is your doctor and your protector. His mission is very arduous and serious, because you can easily lose your mental health when you are a victim of betrayal.

Although this is something so common in our world, being betrayed by the person you love is one of the worst things that can happen to you!

This is a more than unbearable experience, especially when you find out that not only the person you love betrayed you, but also another person, whom you considered a loyal friend…

This is too bitter! If you go through such an experience, your nerves are about to explode. You can easily lose control and do something terrible against your spouse and lover to get revenge or even commit suicide.

The wise unconscious mind shows you the truth gradually in your dreams, helping you to accept it and be prepared to face the worst.

If you are smart, you will not wait to see if the person you love really loves you and cares about the scientific method of interpreting dreams only when you become a victim of infidelity, like the men in our examples.

Be careful and learn everything about the person you love in your own dreams beforehand!

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