Everything you need to know about remote viewing

Remote viewing is the controlled use of extrasensory perception through a set of protocols to perceive a target. The target can be a person, an object or an event.

For example, the viewer may be asked to describe a place on the other side of the world, which they have never visited. The viewer may also be asked to describe an event that happened a long time ago.

In some cases, the viewer may be asked to describe an object sealed in a container or locked in a room. The most amazing thing is that the viewer can give very accurate descriptions.

how did i evolve

The term “remote viewing” came into use in 1971 after a series of experiments were performed by Janet Mitchell, Getrude Schmeidler, Karlis Osis, and Ingo Swann (who remotely viewed that Jupiter has rings).

The experiment had five components: a subject, active ESP skills, a distant target, the subject’s recorded perceptions, and confirmatory positive feedback. A remote viewing session lasted one hour and the viewer was able to give accurate descriptions.

After it was discovered in 1971, the US military and CIA further developed remote viewing through a series of programs, such as the codenamed sunbeam, stargate, and flame of Grill. The United States government is the sponsor of these programs.

Since then, the practice has spread throughout the world, and people with special abilities have the ability to foresee the future.

how to use

Practical applications of the practice include: solving crimes, finding missing children, picking winning lottery numbers, identifying future situations you need to be aware of, and gathering intelligence for military operations. The practical applications of remote viewing depend on the skills of the viewer.

Who uses it?

Remote viewing is used by anyone who has a problem and wants to learn something. For example, if you have lost your child, you can contact a remote viewer who will give you all the details you need to know.

The same applies when you want to know about your future – you just need to communicate with the viewer and he/she will provide you with the information you need.

Governments also use remote viewing services. For example, after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the US, the US government is said to have contacted various remote viewers to help locate other potential terrorist activity.

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