Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

If you have a small business, one way to create interest in your business and differentiate yourself from your local competition is through Facebook marketing. This huge social networking website can be used by small businesses to make a big impact. Here’s a trio of top tips that can keep you connected with a growing fan base.

There are many different tools and applications that you can incorporate to make Facebook work for you. If you have a fan page on this popular website, you will find that there are hundreds of different applications that you can use to entice fans to buy your products and services.

Here are three tips every small business can employ when using Facebook marketing and their fan page.

keep it personal

Facebook is about making and maintaining personal connections. When someone becomes a fan, you should welcome them. Also, when you post information, be sure to allow people to reply. When they do, you must write again. You can also post messages for all your fans, making sure to give them a personal touch.

Even though you are connecting on a personal level with those who have subscribed to your fan page, you still want to keep it professional. That is important. Be sure to design your messages in such a way that they are positive, sincere, and helpful. Make sure the people on your fan page know that they are important to you and that they will keep coming back. That will result in more business and sales.

Create a photo history

By creating a photo story, you’ll be using some very powerful aspects of your Facebook fan page. First, you’ll make strong visual statements that everyone who visits your page will see. Plus, by including customers and clients in your photo history and tagging them, you’ll be building a personal and public connection with your fans. They will feel important and connected to you.

Be sure to caption and tag the photos. If you wish, you can create albums with specific themes. Before posting a photo of someone, it’s a good idea to get their written permission to do so. This will protect you from possible legal problems in the future.

Create a contest

A contest, whether weekly, biweekly, or monthly, can go a long way toward keeping people engaged on your Facebook fan page. Offer some kind of prize associated with the contest and make it fun.

You can run a contest where participants solve a problem, come up with a creative solution, or find clues on your fan page that help them win. It can be based on trivia or involve the prediction of some specific outcome.

Facebook has various guidelines, rules, and restrictions regarding contests, such as that a business may not make it part of a contest’s requirement that participants “Like” their page. What the social website tries to guarantee is that a contest connected to a Facebook fan page is a real contest and is carried out correctly.

A well-organized contest presented through your Facebook fan page can help ensure loyalty, entice new fans to join, and create a strong foundation that you can continue to build on.

facebook marketing

A small business can make big things happen by successfully using their fan page. Facebook marketing is really about connecting with your community members in a positive and personal way. When you recognize your fans, you let them know they matter to you, instilling empathy and loyalty that can help your business grow in ways you never thought possible.

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