Food additives that cause insomnia, restlessness and anxiety

So do you think that fresh fruits and vegetables are great for your health? Maybe not. There are many food additives that are really harmful and can lead to insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, and many other problems. And some of them are used in fresh fruits and vegetables. But that is not all. There are a number of food additives that have been isolated that can cause insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, depression, wakefulness, irritability, etc.

Australians Sue Dengate and Dr Howard Dengate have been researching food additives and food technology for many years. The following information and statistics are from your “Fed Up With Children’s Behavior” DVD.

First, let’s look at Sue Dengate’s term “food intolerance” because it’s not the same as a food allergy. Some of the symptoms are the same as allergic reactions but may include other symptoms like irritable bowel symptoms etc. Many food intolerances have a delayed reaction time (2-3 days), some are cumulative, and many are very difficult to isolate and identify. Most people have no idea about their food intolerances!

There are no scientifically proven tests for food intolerance. Sometimes reactions can take weeks to get over. That is why we need the help of an expert on this subject.

In the 1950s 20% of our food was controlled by supermarkets, now the figure is around 80%. It is increasingly important to know what you are eating and how it is affecting your health, mood, sleep, skin, behavior, headaches, bowel movements, etc.

Migraine sufferers have tripled since the 1970s, with over 20% of households now having at least 1 migraine sufferer.

The prevalence of eczema has increased 2-3 times since the 1970s. Approximately 1 in 3 Australians is affected at some point in their lives.

Irritable bowel syndrome is now thought to affect around 20% of people living in developed countries, compared to almost zero in countries with traditional eating habits.

Asthma has risen from about 10% in the 1970s to about 30% today. Asthma is the leading cause of school absenteeism. Most patients react to one of two food additives. 20% of patients are affected by salicylates. Most can be helped by avoiding food additives. Even asthma medications contain additives that negatively affect patients!

Since the 1990s there has been a dramatic increase in the use of antidepressant medications, even for young children, and even 3,000 prescriptions for babies under 12 months of age in the US alone! There has been a 10-fold increase in major depression since 1945.

Since the 1970s, autism rates are believed to have increased 10-fold in the US.

Just because a food additive is called ‘natural’ doesn’t mean it’s safe!

Here are some examples of nasty food additives to avoid if you have trouble sleeping, wake up in the middle of the night, wake up too early, feel anxious, overly tired, depressed, stressed, etc.:

o Plain bread preservative (or mold inhibitor) 282. Symptoms of calcium propionate (282) (from eating large amounts of bread) may include difficulty sleeping, walking at night, night terrors, unexplained tiredness, depression, irritability, growing pains, bed wetting, stuffy nose, and restlessness;

o Arousal, depression, restlessness, irritability (Hydroxyanisole antioxidant purchased with 320 BHA, banned in Japan and may not be included in products containing less than 5% vegetable oils);

or Salicylates. There is a fact sheet on salicylates that includes information relevant to tinnitus, reversible hearing loss, vertigo, Meniere’s disease symptoms, insomnia, and behavioral changes in children. Of particular interest here is the information on how ‘good old fruits and vegetables’ are not always good at all. Learn about fruits and vegetables low in salicylates vs. fruits and vegetables with a high content of salicylates, and how to control their consumption;

o Vigilance in young children (staining 102 Tartrazine and staining 110 Sunset Yellow);

or 621 MSG Flavor Enhancer Monosodium Glutamate. Restlessness, wakefulness and irritability; and

o 951 Aspartame Artificial Sweetener: Banned for US Airline Pilots Mood Alteration (anxiety, agitation, irritability, depression), insomnia, fatigue.

It’s also very unfortunate that some nasty food additives don’t have to be declared on product labels, so you’ll need to do more research to find out exactly which breads don’t have the depression-related food additive, etc. There is also information on hairspray and air fresheners, it is a must read.

Sue has developed the Failsafe Diet to help people flush unpalatable food substances out of their system.

So if you find this article alarming, here’s something valuable for you. Your responsibility is to investigate further to ensure that you, your children and loved ones do not diminish your vitality by shopping carelessly. If you’re not already doing so, start reading the labels. And what’s more, if you have a sleep disorder (or any other medical problem), you should look further, because there may be an additive in your food that doesn’t even have to be declared by law to be listed on the label.

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