home remedies for hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. Although in some cases it can lead to cretinism, especially in children, this is a very serious form and in most cases there is treatment. However, since most people do not tolerate medication or going to the hospital, there are also some home remedies for hypothyroidism. Here are some of the most common.

1. Get Protein – Protein has many functions in your body, not the least of which is hormone transport. They basically help transport the thyroid hormones in your body. The following types of food have a high concentration of protein: nuts, eggs, meat, fish and vegetables.

2. Eat a lot of fats: strange as it sounds, fat actually acts as a catalyst and helps maintain a good hormonal balance. Of course, not all fats are good. These are some that you should consider including in your diet: yogurt, cheese, milk, olive oil and fish.

3. Say no to gluten: Gluten can have a damaging effect on your body as it is very similar in composition to your thyroid tissue, causing your body to confuse it and triggering an autoimmune attack on your thyroid. Avoid at all costs.

4. Manage your stress – Stress has been identified as a factor that causes disease in the first place and can also aggravate it. Stay relaxed and play a sport or even meditate.

5. Black Walnut – This is a very useful part of home remedies for hypothyroidism as it is a very good source of iodine which helps the thyroid gland. Consider including this in your daily diet plan as it will definitely pack a punch.

6. Nettle Tea: Nettle is an herb that has an excellent effect on the thyroid gland. The amazing thing about this is that it works whether the glans is overactive or underactive.

7. Get some morning sun: 15-20 minutes each morning in direct sunlight will help synthesize vitamin D, which in turn helps the thyroid to function properly. Go for a walk or jog each morning.

8. Iodine Supplements: Iodine is a vital element that helps the thyroid gland to function well. These are some foods that contain iodine: bananas, fish and all kinds of shellfish, meat and eggs.

All of these home remedies for hypothyroidism work and have been proven. If you suffer from this disease and hate going to the doctor, try these remedies first.

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