How Biltong is made

Biltong, a dried meat product originating in South Africa, is typically made in one of two main ways. When you buy biltong, you will be buying from a larger commercial retailer or a small street vendor. This choice has a lot to do with how your biltong is produced.

In general, street vendors and small shops still use the old school method of creating biltong. Larger trading companies use a more modern version of this same method, allowing them to produce much more biltong in less time.

Here, we’ll review the basics of biltong production, both old-school and commercial. We’ll also look at the most common meat preparation methods to create biltong.

old school production

Believe it or not, a cardboard or wooden box is the most important piece of equipment for creating biltong using the above method. This drying box houses the biltong while it dries. The weather conditions must be ideal for the “box method” to work; the climate should be as dry as possible to avoid mold formation.

The meat strips that have been prepared are simply hung in a drying box and left to dry. The process usually takes two to four days, depending on various components. The thickness of the strips or slices of meat, weather conditions, and temperature all play a role in how quickly the biltong will dry out completely.

commercial production

In order to produce the largest possible amount of biltong in the shortest possible time, commercial biltong makers use large drying rooms. These rooms are heated and monitored by sophisticated thermometers, as well as devices that measure the amount of humidity.

When you buy mass-produced biltong, you may notice a different taste. Many biltong connoisseurs swear by the old-school method, insisting that traditionally brewed biltong has a much deeper, more developed flavor. However, many modern consumers grew up on the taste of commercial biltong and love it. It really is a matter of personal choice, and both types of biltong are undeniably delicious.

Commercial production has one big advantage over traditional drying boxes: time. Commercial dry boxes can produce ready-to-eat biltong in a matter of hours.

Preparation of Meat for Biltong

Before buying biltong, the meat itself is prepared before being dried by soaking it in vinegar. This provides a natural preservation. Additional spices are added according to the individual flavor being produced. Occasionally saltpeter is also added for preservation.

Regardless of how your biltong is prepared, as long as you buy biltong from a reputable supplier, you can count on a tasty and healthy snack with a rich heritage and a wide variety of gourmet flavors.

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