how does advanced filler course work

advanced filler course work

If you are an aesthetic practitioner who is already comfortable with Botox and Dermal Filler injections, the Advanced Filler course is designed to build on your foundation skills. During this hands-on training, you will learn how to select the right type of Dermal Filler based on the presenting feature and improvise your injection technique to deliver safer, faster and more effective results.

During the advanced filler course training, you will also learn how to use dermal fillers in combination with other facial augmentation procedures like liposuction. This can be especially beneficial for those clients who are nasolabial folds, marionette lines or naso-labial furrows. This will help them achieve more natural-looking results and avoid the look of over-augmentation. The course also includes a practical demonstration of the use of a cannula for injections which will allow practitioners to work with less pain, bruising and bleeding while achieving better, more precise results.

Our courses are taught by highly skilled and experienced instructors who provide extensive knowledge of the most popular injectables on the market. They are able to offer expert advice and guidance that you can apply straight away in your clinic. In addition, they have a strong background in medical aesthetics and know how the industry has changed over time.

how does advanced filler course work

One of the most important aspects of this training is that it will teach you to work with each individual client in a professional and confident manner. This will ensure that the client is happy with the treatment and that the provider follows the best safety guidelines when administering treatments. This is crucial because there are different treatment areas and each requires a specific injection technique. For example, the tear trough area is more sensitive than other parts of the face and a wrong technique can cause damage to blood vessels under the eyes.

The course is hands-on and you will spend a lot of time in the clinic working on models and practising your injection techniques. The instructor will guide you through each step of the process, from client consultations and skin analysis to creating a treatment plan and performing injections. This will give you the experience and confidence to implement these new techniques into your own practice once you have completed this course.

Moreover, advanced filler courses often incorporate interdisciplinary perspectives, encouraging students to draw connections between their primary field of study and related disciplines. By exploring intersections between different areas of knowledge, students gain a holistic understanding of complex issues and develop critical thinking skills that transcend disciplinary boundaries. This interdisciplinary approach fosters creativity, innovation, and the ability to tackle multifaceted challenges in an ever-changing world.

During the hands-on session, you will be able to use a variety of FDA approved HA Dermal Filler products including Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, Juvederm products (including Ultra(r), Ultra Plus(r) Voluma(r) and Vollure(r) and Restylane products (Lyft, Silk, Refyne and Defyne). This will give you the opportunity to gain the key practical skills needed to immediately introduce over 8 new injectable treatments into your clinical practice. The course also includes all protocols, contraindications, patient selection, pricing and packaging information required to safely perform these new treatments.

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