How to Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney

You thought you had waited long enough at your friends’ house after the party, but the breathalyzer is telling a different story – a DUI is in your immediate future. Perhaps the idiot who was sitting next to you at the bar finally got under your skin and, in a moment of weakness, you lost your cool and now you have an assault charge against you. No matter how you got to this point, you should hire a criminal defense attorney. This can seem like a daunting task as getting arrested is very intimidating and getting the best possible legal representation is important.

Hopefully, these tips and advice will help you get on the right path to hiring an attorney who will represent you well. When looking for an attorney, consider the following:

1) Make sure the attorney you hire has experience with your type of crime. Defending a felony narcotics possession is very different from defending a DUI. When interviewing an attorney, be sure to ask how much experience they have with your type of case.

2) Talk to your friends. They may know someone who has had to hire a criminal defense attorney. A referral is a great way to meet a good attorney, as the person making the referral can tell you how the attorney fared in all aspects of the case.

3) Any attorney you wish to hire should offer you a free initial consultation. This could be 10 minutes on the phone if you are detained or 30 minutes if you can meet in person with the attorney. Don’t hold back, be very direct and honest about your situation. Failure to provide a full disclosure may adversely affect your case and incur additional expenses. Be wary of any attorney who does not give you a free initial consultation or does not require payment for this time.

4) During the initial consultation, ask who will handle your case. Many high-profile criminal defense attorneys have their associates do all the work. You may agree with this, but many people want the attorney they speak to handle their case directly. In general, the better known the attorney, the less likely they are to be involved in your case.

5) Make sure the terms of the engagement are clearly spelled out. Be sure to ask what the fees are for negotiating a plea deal and any other stages up to and including trial. Fees can vary drastically from attorney to attorney, and you can avoid a big surprise by asking in advance. An up-front retention fee is usually required after the initial consultation. This fee can be several thousand dollars depending on the crime charged.

6) The most important thing is that you feel comfortable with the attorney and the firm. You will work with these people in a very intimate part of your life. Feeling insecure about your employment relationship will not help you or your mental health. Listen to your instincts. If something feels wrong, keep looking for a lawyer until you are sure that you can feel completely comfortable with him or her.

At the very least, these tips should give you a starting point to begin looking for an attorney who will represent you professionally and effectively. If you’ve had an unfortunate run-in with the police, take the first step and call a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

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