How to overcome the ten most common problems in the bedroom

Of all the questions I am asked as a Feng Shui consultant, the most common relates to the bedroom. Of all the rooms in the house, this is the one that people seem to find the most challenging when trying to get adequate energy. In this article, I explore the ten most common problems I see when evaluating people’s bedrooms and offer some simple but effective cures you can use to overcome them.

Bookshelves in the bedroom

Books in the bedroom have the effect of stimulating the mind by preventing the occupants from having a good night’s sleep. The best cure is to remove the shelves, but if this is not practical in your home, it is just as effective to cover the shelves with closet doors or fabric to hide the books while you sleep.

A sleigh bed

I have to say that a wooden sleigh bed is a beautiful and elegant addition to a bedroom, but unfortunately it has its own problems. In a sleigh bed, the head and foot of the bed curve inward, pressing energy onto you as you sleep. To overcome this, you have to find a way to raise the energy again, an effect that can easily be achieved by placing a small crystal or a fancy lamp above the bed.

A bed too low to the ground.

If your bed is too close to the ground, energy cannot flow underneath. Ideally, the beds should have enough space between the mattress and the floor. If you don’t want to buy a new bed, place a red square of mattress-size material under the bed to boost energy.

Beams above the bed

The beams above the bed have the effect of pressing the energy down while you sleep. Many people find that where lightning strikes their body when they sleep, they often experience problems in that area of ​​their body. The best cure is to hide the rafters with a false ceiling, but if you can’t do this, place two bamboo flutes on the bed so that they cross the rafter. Like crystals, bamboo flutes have the effect of raising energy upward.

Sloping roofs

In France, where I live, many old houses were originally one story with large attic spaces. As these have been renovated, the attic spaces have been converted into bedrooms with large sloping ceilings. Sleeping under a sloping roof can cause worry and a feeling of tightness while the occupant sleeps. To overcome this, hang a crystal over the bed to lighten the energy around the bed.

Mess under the bed

Clutter under the bed, be it boxes, packing boxes, or drawers, has the effect of blocking the flow of energy underneath. There is really only one cure for this, take them out and put them somewhere else.

Mirrored cabinets

Too many mirrors in the bedroom accelerate the flow of energy, disrupting natural sleep patterns. The best cure is to replace them with wooden closet doors, but if you prefer not to, find a way to cover them with fabric while you sleep. Chiffon can be bought very cheaply and, placed over the closet doors at night, it can look very elegant creating a sensual and romantic feeling in the room.

A metal bed

Metal beds are very popular, but metal bed frames, or even just a metal headboard, can disrupt the natural flow of energy. To calm the flow of energy, cover the metal frame or headboard with a soft cloth.

A bathroom in the suite

It is so difficult to strike the right balance in modern homes as people today expect an en-suite bathroom. In our own home in France, we created all of our guest rooms with private bathrooms, as we felt that it was what people would expect when they came to stay. However, en-suite bathrooms can lead to a disruption of your night’s sleep unless you adhere to good bathroom management. This means that you keep the bathroom clean, tidy, and in good repair and keep the bathroom door closed at night.

TV or computer in the room

The most common problem of all, a television or computer in the bedroom interrupts the natural flow of energy around the bedroom. The best cure is, of course, to remove them and place them elsewhere, but rooms today have multiple uses and this is not always possible. If you need to have a television or computer in the bedroom, place them in wooden units that can be closed at night or cover them with a cloth or blanket before going to sleep.

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