Internet Marketing Book Review: 30 Days to Social Media Success

By: Gail Z. Martin

Published by Career Press, Inc., 220 West Parkway, Unit 12, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444

ISBN 978-1-60163-130-5

Book Price: $13.99

Social media marketing that works

Bestselling author Gail Z. Martin is an international speaker and marketing expert. She is also CEO of her own company, DreamSpinner Communications. She is known as the “resource for results” of marketing that works. Her resources help small and startup businesses, consultants, coaches, authors, etc. to win success.

Single rule of 30 applications

Gail Z. Martin applies her unique “Rule of 30” approach to social media marketing. In 30 chapters, he shows how a chapter a day will lead to proven success, stating why most marketing fails (Ch. 1), finding its real story (Ch. 6), Facebook (Ch. 9), LinkedIn (Ch. 10) , Twitter (Chap. 11), Blogs (Chap. 12), YouTube (Chap. 15), Chats (Chap. 16), etc.

More than information about social media tools

Martin employs a professional tone and experiential business knowledge. She begins by saying, “Many marketing efforts fail because they focus on what the company wants to sell instead of what the target audience needs to solve an urgent problem… Lack of planning… Inappropriate actions… Lack of Clarity about target market… Lack of clear goals… Unreasonable expectations… Lack of clarity about how marketing works… Insufficient patience.”

Gail goes on to reveal Internet marketing tools, along with practical exercises to employ them. In the case of Facebook, he suggests: “Use Facebook as a never-ending networking event…Ask half a dozen of your employees, real-life friends, and colleagues to comment on your page…new ways to do that.” alive and fresh.

Martin’s familiarity with social media adds to the validity of his message. She warns readers not to violate the social culture of each platform (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.), stating, “LinkedIn takes a very harsh view of anything akin to spam, it’s best to avoid contacting people you don’t know.” until very familiar with the culture of LinkedIn”.

Gail explores the use of social media in a successful marketing strategy (PR, sales promotion, local business, branding, etc.). Her advice is practical like: “When posting a press release on an online distribution site, make sure the headlines and copy contain keywords to optimize searchability and have good links back to your website. ..”

Use social media platforms for successful marketing

Gail Z. Martin reports on social media platforms and draws readers into a 30-day action plan for using them.

Success Step: Search for businesses on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc., list the ways they do social media marketing.

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