Itchy Penis: 6 Common Causes and How to Get Relief

When a penis itches, it’s not fun. It can also happen at the most inopportune moments, while talking to a colleague at work, in line at the supermarket, or during a critical moment during a big date. Dry, itchy penile skin can be embarrassing, uncomfortable, and distracting, and can send a man running out the door just to relieve himself in private. Unfortunately, an itchy penis usually won’t be sated by a simple rub or scratch. Most of the time, a man needs extra care to get rid of the itch, as well as ongoing care to keep it from coming back. The following are some of the possible reasons why your penis itches and how to get relief.

1) Lax Hygiene – A dirty penis is an itchy penis. Think of all the dirt, debris, bacteria, sweat, and fumes that can accumulate in the genital region. If a man doesn’t wash thoroughly and regularly, he can not only get funky, but he can also get red and itchy.

2) Contact dermatitis – Direct contact with an allergen or irritating substance can cause itching. Things like detergents, soaps, latex, and medications can cause a reaction. Most of the time, itching is also accompanied by a rash. If the itching is mild, washing the area and treating it with a cortisone cream may help. If more serious, seek medical attention.

3) Candidiasis or “thrush” – Men are just as likely as women to develop Candida yeast infection. Candida normally occurs on the skin and mucous membranes; however, when it grows too large, it can cause symptoms such as itching, rash, swelling, and clumpy white discharge. Although it is not a sexually transmitted disease, it can be spread during intimate contact. What causes thrush most of the time is the overuse of antibiotics, diabetes, poor circulation, and immunosuppression. See a doctor for treatment.

4) Psoriasis or eczema – Men who have psoriasis or eczema on other parts of the body can also develop any skin problem on the penis. Consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Some creams with vitamins A and E have also been shown to help reduce itching.

5) Genital warts – This is a sexually transmitted disease (STI) caused by a viral infection. Warts often appear on the glans, foreskin, shaft, and the entire pubic area. Warts can also have an itchy discharge from the penis. See a doctor right away for tests and treatment.

6) Public Lice – Commonly known as “crabs,” pubic lice are tiny parasites that attach themselves to pubic hair. They are spread by intimate contact with an infected person. While itchiness is the main symptom, other symptoms include blood spots and blackheads, which are the “crab” feces left behind. For immediate relief, see a doctor or, if one isn’t available, use an over-the-counter lotion or anti-lice shampoo in the meantime.

Get relief from an itchy penis

No matter the cause of the problem, it is always a bad idea to scratch the delicate skin of the penis. By scratching, one can leave tiny tears on the outer dermal layer, which can exacerbate the problem and invite bacteria and other organisms to enter the skin.

Instead of itching, men who suffer from penile itching should wash the area gently to remove any substances that may be causing irritation. Be sure to clean with a mild cleanser like baby soap and rinse well with warm water. Resist using your regular body wash or soap on the irritated area, as it may be too sensitive and cause more damage.

After cleansing the skin, apply a specially formulated penile health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on the skin) to the penis These nutrient-rich creams have a natural base, such as shea butter, which moisturizes and soothes itchy skin on contact. The addition of vitamins such as A, B5, C, D and E also bring rejuvenating and restorative properties to the delicate skin of the penis, leaving it smooth and irritation-free and less prone to dryness and itchiness in the future.

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