Little kids and puppies

For as long as I can remember, there has been a dog in our house. We have had strays, long pedigree dogs, rescued dogs, and dogs that we have cared for while other family members were on vacation.

The purpose of this article is to point out some issues that a potential dog owner should be aware of when introducing a puppy to a home with small children. I start from the belief that dogs and children go together like a horse and a cart. However, due to the unpredictability of a child, there are some issues that need to be noted.

Not all dogs are suitable for a child and not all children are suitable for a dog either! From my observations, most problems arise with children under the age of six. If you are thinking of bringing a dog into your home when you have children of this age, then you should think long and hard before making the decision.

My main concern would be the large dogs. Most of the larger dogs have been bred as guard dogs or have a history of aggression, they are generally high energy dogs and if excited they can knock children over.

Parents with a small family are usually very busy people, even more so if it is a single parent family. Ask. Do you have time to care for a high maintenance dog like a Dachshund?

Here is a small dog, they are comical and entertaining and don’t really need a lot of exercise. They also socialize well with people and other family pets and have a long lifespan.

But the long-haired variety will need constant brushing and combing, and both it and the smooth variety will shed more hair than you think. They also tend to have a “distinctive odor”, which may be unacceptable in the presence of children. From a veterinary standpoint, an alarming number are left crippled or paralyzed in middle age due to disc disease in the long back.

Now I’m not knocking on the Dachshund, he’s a lovely animal, I’m using him for illustration and asking would this fit into your family’s lifestyle?

It is not my intention to make recommendations because every family situation is different; what’s right for you may not be right for your next door neighbor!

Now that you’ve done your research, the next step is to gather the essentials and puppy-proof your home. Your pup is going to need a place with its own space, a crate or crate will fit the bill. Buy one that is big enough for him to wear as an adult.

The pup will need food and water bowls, chew and play toys, a collar and leash, a bag of good quality dry puppy food, and plenty of newspaper.

When the puppy arrives, try to make sure he has a day or two to settle in before the kids play with him. Set rules for the children and make sure they follow them. I strongly recommend that a dog not be allowed to sleep in bed with children, it can cause medical and behavioral problems.

It is vital that you teach your child how to treat the dog, plan to spend a lot of time training the dog and the children. A dog is for life, so he spends the time now to avoid future difficulties.

Educate yourself. Buy and read training books: Consider enrolling your puppy in an obedience class. Well-trained dogs are a joy to be around and a must when it comes to children.

A common concern for parents is how a dog will react when a new baby arrives. This is an important issue in itself, but in general, most of the dogs in the family do not react badly. Like the other children, they will be curious and feel left out, but these feelings will soon pass.

The problems start when the baby becomes a toddler, then both the toddler and the dog get in each other’s way! My personal opinion is that by this time the dog will have come to know and accept the child and will even be protective of him: but safety must come first, I recommend, not separation, but keeping them apart as much as possible.

Like all things related to dogs, a little common sense goes a long way and if you know your dog, there should be no problem.

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