Do Alt and Title attributes help with SEO?

A much talked about topic in the SEO world is: “Do Alt and Title attributes help with SEO?” Well, to help shed some light on this topic, I did some research and came to some good conclusions. I’m not suggesting that these are 100% accurate, but based on my...

Why are singles singled out?

Scanning the local media, I am impressed by the choice of tempting short-term holidays on offer. At stake are three days in Valencia for €95 and for just €15 plus a similar one in Madrid. I hope we don’t hear criticism from tour companies that offer such good value...

The Best Way To Lose Belly Fat Fast!

If you are looking for the best way to lose belly fat, then you are reading the right article. Belly fat is often the most stubborn and difficult to lose, but with the right strategy you’ll find you can melt away the fat and reveal a toned, ripped tummy...

Why small government is better

I have written extensively about what I see as the greatest need in America today: revamping limited government. Why? Because the strength and prosperity of free people all over the world depend on the limited government of the USA. The more the government grows, the more the economy shrinks,...

Caring for the skin of your fridge

Beauty awaits you. Not at the makeup counter. not in the Spa day. Not at the plastic surgeon. It awaits you… in your kitchen. Your best skincare secrets may come from the secrets of your diet. after all, you are what you eat. So, in the words of Italian...

The Love, Training, Obedience and Care of Your Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever, with its intelligence and eager-to-please attitude, is one of the most popular breeds in the United States according to AKC registration statistics. The working ability that has made the Golden Retriever such a useful hunting companion also makes it an ideal guide, assistance, and search and...

Retirement Activities – Ten Great Things to Do

I once heard someone say that I will never retire. I would not know what to do? Here are ten ideas for fun and fulfilling activities that will entice anyone to consider retirement. Become a wine connoisseur and share your favorites. Try a new wine every few days and...

Break the bondage of addiction

Addictions today have become more common than we dare to accept. Many types of addictions have become socially acceptable, in these times of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. Good things when misused can become addictions. What is addiction? It is the dependence on a certain substance or behavior that is...