Parenting when it seems hard to handle

Parenting is definitely one of the most exciting experiences any woman can receive. Just the thought of another human being that was created by God in your body, is now in this world, is a miracle in itself. Although doctors know the stages of a baby’s nine months before she’s born, they can’t explain to anyone how it’s actually done. However, during this time, the body goes through many changes, such as weight gain, different food urges, swollen feet, and a variety of other things. Despite all this, after the baby is born these changes are forgotten. The new phase of parenting now begins, and the new mom always needs help on how to handle this difficult time.

These are some of the things the new mother will need help with.

baby feeding

Whether you decide to breastfeed or bottle feed, the choice is up to you, but going through both of these methods easily reduces a lot of problems at this stressful time. Breastfeeding hits the right temperature with many health benefits, but when you’re new to it, you may face some challenges. Always make sure your baby latches on correctly. When this is not done, the pain that arises is quite painful. Some people still have pain even if the baby latches on well, so in cases like that, see your medical provider and see if it could be another reason the pain persists.

Bottle feeding requires a little more work as you have to make sure that the bottles are kept sanitized and in a clean environment. Also be careful that the temperature of the milk is good for the baby by testing it on the back of your hand, since burning your sweet baby is not what you want.

Solid food feeding

There are new phases as you transition from breastfeeding or bottle feeding to solid foods. Just like us, baby won’t like everything we give him, but as time goes by, you’ll know what your baby likes, just make sure he gets healthy and nutritious food. She has to work along with the progress of her son.

potty training

Potty training can really become a pain in the ass if you let it. Always remember that the age at which each child goes to the bathroom is different. Try not to be hard on yourself and the child. This causes more problems and sometimes takes longer for the baby. Just take it as it comes.

starting school

This is the last area we will look at. The first day of school is always the hardest. Keep in mind that it is a new environment and just like us adults, anything new means changes that we may not like. This time comes with crying, and without wanting to leave them with someone else. Very few children accept this well, and because your child is normally friendly, he may not like school at first. Give them some time and before you know it, your little genie will want to take you to school with them too, because they love it.

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