Pug Puppies For Sale – How To Choose The Right Pug Puppy

Puppies are a bundle of joy. Even more so when he is a Pug puppy! These cuddly creatures love to be loved and crave human attention. A short muzzled face, curly tail, deep chest and little snorts make Pugs distinct from other Thoroughbreds.

Pug Puppies: How to Choose One
The popularity of Pugs multiplied with the patronage of this breed by Queen Victoria. In the 19th century, Pugs became an integral part of England’s famous dog shows.

When choosing Pug puppies, consider the following:

* Don’t judge a Pug by his stern face. They have a cheerful and friendly temperament and love children. They love to play and are easily excited.
* Pugs are very gentle and extremely sensitive to the tone of your voice.
* If you want to keep your pet indoors most of the time, then a Pug is ideal for you.
* Pugs are excellent watchdogs and completely obedient to their master.
* This cute breed is very friendly with other breeds and pets. However, they demand the full attention of their masters. In the absence of this, they will nurture feelings of jealousy and get angry in a corner.
* Pugs’ height and weight typically range from 10 to 14 inches and 14 to 18 pounds, respectively.
* Pugs are prone to respiratory problems due to their short snout. Knee problems and weak eyesight are also common in this breed. Pugs are uncomfortable in extreme weather conditions. Lack of physical activity can easily make them obese.

When considering a Pug puppy, look out for the following:

* See how the puppy responds to your children. While there may not be an instant bond, Pug puppies will generally be happy to see children.
* Make sure the Pug puppy has a clean and shiny coat. Their round, bright eyes should be set quite far apart and their ears askew.
* Pugs are usually silver, fawn, and apricot in color. However, some breeders also breed black Pugs.

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