Regions of the world that grow decorative flowers

Isn’t it wonderful to respond to a knock on the door and receive a beautiful flower arrangement? Is it also wonderful to be invited to an event where the floral design includes fresh cut flowers? But have you ever wondered where the different flowers come from? The flowers that make up a florist’s wide selection come from all over the world. The different climates are favorable for producing your own unique varieties. While some flowers are successfully grown outside of their home countries, it is often best to purchase the exported products to ensure quality.

Where are decorative flowers grown?
Cut flowers are grown in more than 50 different countries around the world. Some of the most popular countries that are part of the international flower market are the Netherlands, South America, Israel, Africa, Thailand, India, Australia and New Zealand. The nations of Asia are the world’s largest producer of cut flowers.

The United States imports more than 80 percent of all its flowers, and most of them come from Colombia in South America. To reduce the costs of buying imported flowers from Colombia, the United States and Colombia signed a free trade agreement. The reasons for the growth of South American cut flower exports are lower labor costs, higher altitudes, lower land costs and proximity to the North American market. Ecuador, also in South America, is known for its beautiful roses. Ecuador’s high altitude encourages the growth of these big-headed roses.

How are imported flowers used?
The bright colors and longevity of imported flowers enhance the elegance of any arrangement, be it a bouquet, a centerpiece, or any other decorative setting. By purchasing cut flowers that have been grown all over the world, florists save money that they can pass on to the consumer. It also allows flowers that are grown in the United States but may not be available due to shortages, weather damage, or because they are out of season.

Whether you want to add tulips from Holland, roses from Ecuador, or orchids from Malaysia, you will find that choosing from world markets allows you a variety of options within reasonable price ranges. Taking advantage of the cut flowers available around the world, florists around the world can create an atmosphere of elegance that will impress their guests. There are few things that can tie an event decor together like beautiful flowers.

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