Reinspiration Replaces Retirement – 2013

“Age doesn’t mean anything to me. I can’t get old; I’m working. I was older when I was twenty-one and out of work. As long as you work, you stay young. Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five. still had pimples.“George Burns 1896-1996

Have you ever seen the bumper sticker “WITHDRAWAL: Was I tired yesterday and am I tired again today? “ I did, and I found it deeply interesting since I am in the “retirement zone.” Maybe the true story is that Retirement he is tired and nearing his useful end.

The conventional understanding of retirement is based on the premise that income will cease when work is done and a new lifestyle will be created from the ingredients of Social Security, company pensions, and personal savings to compensate. Once you’ve transitioned, time and money will at least be enough to do many of the things that are not possible during your working years.

Like the mouse after cheese at the end of a tunnel, most Americans work through the prime of their lives with one eye waiting for that magical moment when they can leave everything behind to play golf, fish and farm. Even though people can suffer from jobs they hate and spend hours away from their families carrying the stress of professional responsibilities, they persevere toward the rewards of their golden years. They hope that they will not lose their job due to outsourcing or downsizing and finally receive a pension from their company. That is if you are lucky enough to have one!

The only problem is that this tried and true retirement formula has fallen apart before our eyes and especially since the economic crisis of 2008.

Millions of Americans are now “maxed out.” They realize that they must increase their use of credit simply to make ends meet and cover the increased cost of living for basic expenses like health insurance, transportation, energy, food, and housing costs. Also, the idea of ​​saving more money has become a complete joke to most middle-class and formerly middle-class families in the New Normal of 21.S t century. According to the Commerce Department in October 2005, the overall personal savings rate (not including pre-tax savings instruments such as a 401k) was recorded at 0.07% and 8 years later, in April 2013, it had increased to a whopping 0.1 percent.

The result of all this? Passive income, whether from pensions, savings, Social Security, stocks and bonds, or some combination thereof, is no longer as reliable as it used to to meet the financial needs of later years. Social Security checks have become insufficient for most people to depend on, not including other sources of income. While 40% of companies offered pension plans to their employees in 1980, in 2006 only 21% did so and in 2013, much less.

Still, most people stick to the same 40-year-to-retirement job model; one that today seems more like a fantasy and less like a ticket to the safety of later years.

You are probably wondering what option we have. In fact, you have a choice. As part of the latest transformation in American society, the conventional concept of retirement is in the process of reinventing itself. Reinspiration Replaces Retirement! REINSPIRE: I was inspired yesterday and I am inspired again today!

While it’s certainly a transformation out of necessity due to economic reality, inspiration speaks to the overriding value of staying productive and begins the moment you choose (not just for seniors). Those who choose to be reinspired enjoy the benefits of continuous private cash flow to underpin their financial plan. They apply creative thinking to their unique situation to make this happen.

Reinspiration is an idea whose time has come. Similar to the conventional wisdom that tells us to start saving for retirement when we are young, rebirth offers the similar journey of a lifetime. To access a comfortable and independent life in later years, we must be willing to change the way we think about money and plan for the future.

Reinspire states that you (With the help of friends, colleagues, and professionals) you can design and implement a work path to meet current and future needs starting from where you are today. Cash flow for life is the name of the game, but it doesn’t necessarily mean hard work for life. The challenge of rebirth is learning how to leverage your hard assets (not fancy digital numbers on a statement) to work for you in the future. Your talents, interests, assets, and abilities offer the key to unveiling your unique re-inspiration strategy.

America and the world are already full of inspirational pioneers who lead by example. Young generations will undoubtedly need these examples to help them formulate their own strategy for later years.

Change is the way of the world. As the economic landscape changes, we must also change the way we think and behave when it comes to our financial security and well-being in our later years.

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