ringworm infection

Catching ringworm is straightforward, simple, and annoying. Ringworm treatment can be just as simple and, hopefully, not bothersome. You can get ringworm through physical contact with another person who is contagious, from someone else’s property that has been touched by an infected person, through pets and some pets such as livestock. You can also catch it through swimming fountains and places that are kept moist and warm.

There are many types of ringworm, you can get the body type of ringworm which affects your body with round red circles that are itchy and can be scaly, the scalp type which leaves some baldness, the groin type, the toenail type and foot. Each has some similar symptoms, but each also has their own personal traits. Itching, redness, and scaling are common among most types of ringworm.

Prevention is about being careful with your personal belongings and not sharing anyone else’s stuff. Wash frequently after physical contact in activities such as sports or when petting an animal. Be careful in places like locker rooms or dance studios.

Once you’ve combated the disease, it can take two to four weeks to get rid of most types of ringworm. Some people believe that a medical treatment of oral medications or creams for the infected skin is what they need to get rid of the disease. Other people believe that home remedies are effective, such as washing the area with medicated shampoos and using a hair dryer to kill the fungus. Keep the area completely clean and dry and repeat the procedure until the symptoms disappear. Some will buy over-the-counter antifungal creams and use them on the affected area. Tea tree oil is another product that is trusted by many to cure ringworm. Older remedies are things like salt and vinegar mixtures that are used repeatedly.

With research you can find a lot of advice and comments on this topic. If ringworm is bad or getting worse, a doctor is your best option to get it under control and then get rid of it for good. Changing bedding every other day is also a way to control ringworm. Pillows, sheets, and blankets that have been exposed to ringworm should be washed in very hot water with a small amount of bleach. When you dry your bedding, use the highest setting on your machine to help kill fungus. This includes washing the mattress cover and the hard-to-wash comforter.

You’ll also want to cleanse your body and hair with medicated, antibacterial, or antifungal soaps that contain tea tree oil to help get rid of ringworm. Ringworm on the scalp is usually treated with shampoos containing selenium sulfide or pyrithione zinc, used two to three times a week. You can use home remedies and medical medications along with topical treatments for your scalp, skin, or feet.

Ringworm is a disease that must be aggressively followed up and treated until it is gone. Sometimes it’s annoying and time-consuming to take care of bedding and other steps to get rid of ringworm, but it’s worth the effort.

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