Saving money when making international iPhone calls

It’s no secret that making calls on your iPhone while traveling outside of your home country can be expensive. Some people have faced bills of hundreds or even thousands of dollars extra! Using your data plan when you’re on the go can also be outrageously expensive. Fortunately, there are some solutions. First, look for an international calling plan. While this certainly won’t be cheap, it’s better than the normal rates. A better solution is Skype for iPhone, which will allow you to make VOIP calls on iPhone. It’s not free, but the rates are incredibly cheap compared to a traditional phone company. One note is that you will only be able to use it while connected to the internet via Wifi.

You should also try to avoid using your 3G or Edge internet connectivity when traveling abroad as that can be expensive too. Be careful because some phones can be set to automatically access the Internet and can cost you money without you doing anything. You can turn this off, or the truly paranoid will leave the phone in airplane mode when traveling abroad to ensure no data is used. To get Internet access, you can usually find a free or cheap Wi-Fi wireless network and connect that way. This will cost you nothing on your monthly phone bill and is the best way to check your email when traveling abroad. By following this tip, you can avoid a surprisingly high bill when you get back home!

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