Slow and easy is the key to reconciliation

It may seem that your breakup occurred suddenly. In a split second it was all over. Any attempt to get back together has to be the opposite, slow and deliberate. You may have gotten off to a rocky start to your relationship, but now things have changed. Negative feelings, rejection, emotional words, and maybe even actions have come between the two of you. It takes time to heal this before a new and lasting bond can be formed.

Even if after the emotions have subsided, now is the time to look deeply into what happened and the possibilities for a real reconciliation. Being overly anxious usually spells disaster. Too many things are left out and it will appear that you are weak and out of control. Every time you find yourself in this position, you are setting yourself up for frustration and failure.

There is the old story about boiling a frog that applies to getting back together with a loved one. The way it goes is if you want to boil a frog you can’t start with boiling water. As soon as the frog feels the heat, it will jump out of the pot. The way to boil a frog is to start with the water as comfortable as possible and gradually increase the heat so that the frog does not notice it. The frog that does not realize what is happening will remain in the water until it has achieved what it set out to do.

This will work by taking things step by step. Let your ex realize that even though you may still love him, it’s best not to jump into anything right away. Not only will it give you time to plan your next step, but it will also make your ex think that you might be out of their life forever. That is what you want, it is the thought of entering the possibility of getting back together.

This is just the beginning of what it takes to get your love back. There are many tips and strategies to regain a lost love. In my blogs below, I mention several of them based on different types of breakups. Please take a minute to read some of them because I think the ideas presented in them can help. Additional sources will also be listed that will get even more specific with step-by-step approaches to the problem of someone wanting to end a relationship.

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