Software Testing Essentials: What Everyone Should Know About Computer Software Testing

Since we live in a highly technological age, the term computer software is not really new to us. Basically, they are found in most of the electronic devices that we commonly see or use, from the computers that we use for the Internet to the system applications that run basic machinery. Indeed, its irruption in our society has revolutionized the way we live our lives and that is why future perspectives are being projected regarding the growing demand for computer software in the future. So what is software testing?

Just like any other product we see circulating on the market, each of these products must pass a certain qualification or standard before being made available for public use. Likewise, that’s what software testing does. It ensures that a software program passes a certain standard or quality determined by professional computer testing experts before it is used by programmers to operate applications, devices, and other computer systems.

In order for us to better understand the whole process, software testing can be summarized into three processes: verification, error detection and validation. Let’s take a look at each step of the process. Verification, from the root of the word verify, refers to the step of validating or verifying the capabilities and qualities of the software being developed to see if it passes or meets desired standards or requirements before it is considered for general use.

But what if the software and its parts suddenly fail? Now that’s where the error detection process comes into play. This step will put the specific software program through a series of tests that it is expected to fail under normal circumstances. Of course, if it stands up to that series of tests without failing the required standards, then it’s approved.

The final test it must pass is the validation step, which requires the software program to perform the tasks or services for which it was created. And if the software program successfully passes these three steps, it will undergo a final series of test applications to determine its suitability for high-end technology services. So, in other words, the software program will perform a successful run between all these tests, then it will now be used for distribution and general use.

What are the implications of software testing for our society? Well, people may find this technological process complicated, but actually, it can help and save our environment from future damages that abused technologies may bring. Software testing enables test experts to determine at an early stage the likely factors that may cause technological system damage to particular software programs and their possible long-term adverse effects if misused. In general, it will help experts to generate data or facts that will help them improve their research in the field of computer technology to produce more innovative and technologically beneficial products in the future.

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