Terrier dog training and clicker training

Regardless of what breed of terrier you have, or any dog, using a clicker has been proven to be one of the simplest and most effective ways to shape your dog’s behavior and train him to respond to your commands. Training terrier dogs with a clicker actually takes very little time to learn and master. Once you understand the proper way to use a clicker, you’ll see how you can train and teach your terrier how to respond to any command he wishes. Some trainers charge $20 to $75 for a 1-session course to learn how to use a clicker effectively. Here I will tell you how to do it for free.

The Mechanics of Clicker Training for Dogs

At a high level, the concept of using a clicker is that you are going to teach your terrier how to associate the sound made by a clicker with a specific command that you give it. A good clicker should only cost a few dollars and you should be able to hear the sound from at least 25 yards away. What we will try to achieve is to train the dog to associate some desirable behavior with the sound of a clicker, as well as a follow-up reward.

When you start your first two clicker training sessions, you’ll want to get a bag of treats that you know your dog loves. We are going to teach your terrier that he can receive a treat as a reward when he hears the clicker.

When starting out, it’s important to keep in mind that you should only use the clicker when your terrier has done something right and correct. The sole purpose of the clicker here will be to tell your dog that a treat is on the way. If you click randomly, your dog may get confused and not know what to think of a click, so let’s work on making that association strong early on.

How to train your terrier with a clicker

There are a few tips to keep in mind during clicker training. We’re going to get your terrier to respond and perform a couple of desired behaviors, so think about a few things you want your terrier to learn. Behaviors can be anything from tricks to something you want to do. Some good ones to start with include turning around, sitting down, shaking hands, and standing still. Once they have performed the desired action, press the clicker once or twice (quickly) and give them a treat.

Let’s say you want your dog to sit. Gently push them back to sit, pause for a few seconds, give your clicker a click or two, pause for a few seconds, and then give them a treat. Don’t give them a treat or click the clicker if they don’t do what they’re told.

You will find that as your terrier undergoes clicker training, it will only take 2-4 clicker attempts before he begins to associate the clicker, a treat, and a behavior. After the first few unsuccessful attempts, your terrier will begin to pay more attention. Using a clicker is great as dogs tend to respond immediately and learning desired behaviors is quickly learned in their minds. However, getting them to finally respond to verbal commands will take some time.

After your terrier has performed the behavior you wanted and received its reward, repeat the exercise several times to reinforce the behavior. Keep in mind that he doesn’t have to give them treats every time as a reward. You can mix things up a bit and reward them with petting and praise.

Beyond the clicker, make them respond to your spoken commands

Once your terrier has learned the behavior well enough, terrier dog training will switch gears to using a spoken command that can be used in any setting, even when a clicker isn’t handy. Here’s how to do it, say a command, then hit your clicker, then give them a treat. After a few times, your dog will learn the sequence and understand the association of these three things.

Eventually, your terrier will learn to respond to spoken commands and will receive petting and praise for good behavior. It is at this stage that we can begin the transition from not needing the treats and your terrier will learn that a spoken command will get him to do what he wants and know that this makes him happy. If you are happy, they are happy.

After your terrier learns a few basic commands, you can use your imagination and come up with more complex behaviors for your terrier to learn to extend his training. Give it some time and you will be sure to master terrier dog training and clicker training. With good clicker training, you can make your dog respond to any command you give him.

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